Hi folks, Just played some PA Alpha and I like it very much. :mrgreen: I think Uber is doing a great job. I think we should remind them from time to time that they are indeed uber ! Something I missed is to zoom in on a group you created with CTRL + NUMBER. I think I saw this in other games. You just press the button of the number twice und you zoom in on their location. It is the same like "C" zooms in on your commander. Forgive me if this have been suggested before or maybe it is already on Uber's list.
I wonder, if I will play with unit groups again in PA^^ In SupCom it was not necessary for me, but in all other RTS I use them. Depends probably on how the strategic view turns out in the end with multiple planets and such. Anyway, this should be a standard UI element imo
This is a staple of RTS, and I'm sure basic controls such as this will be added as Uber continues to add UI and control features in.
Try ctrl + number and then hit the 't' key. The 't' key will track the camera to the first unit in the selection. You can hit the 't' key more than once to toggle through all units in the group.
While we're asking for UI ponies, can we get shift+1 = add selected units to group 1? Or is there already an analog to this?