1. Seperate GUI Launcher for the dedicated server. Having to relaunch the game every time I make a dedicated server is kind of a huge pain. 2. Make the dedicated server options actually work. I try to make servers with passwords, doesn't work. I try to make servers that force 1 per class per team, doesn't work. These options need to actually work... As I think a server with forced class balancing would be much more fun and have more diverse play strategies. 3. Being able to type commands in the dedicated server console. Once I launch my server, I'm pretty much helpless to manage it. I'd like to be able to kick people from my desktop console window. 4. Have the dedicated server console only display relevant information. I can't even read the console half the time. Almost all of it is useless gibberish. Only key information should be shown. Player joins/leaves with IP address. New map loading, map title only. Server errors. Player chat. 5. Ability to customize which ports the dedicated server runs on. It would be nice to maintain several servers on one machine. Without the ability to change the ports each server uses, this is not possible. All I can think of for the moment, feel free to add on or comment on what I have.