Would really like to see building snap together with a hotkey in order to keep from building on top of each other. Not in a grid format such as StarCraft but to function more or less like the new SimCity when building next to a road.
I just saw this question answered on the 6/28 stream. I haven't played it since the beginning of the month. I will check it out this weekend and delete the post if it is what I'm expecting. Thank you for the speedy reply. <3
I love the building snapping, needs some tweaking but its great. Also would really LOVE drag-to-build, for walls and power generators, and everything else but building walls is too fiddly .
The current implementation makes it difficult to place turrets facing a specific direction in some cases, i.e. next to walls. It would be nice if the snapping was an option. I would keep it off, as it mostly gets in the way.