I know everybody is going to buy MNC day one but I was wondering if anyone else was going to buy any other SOA games I have already bought HTH but no more (except MNC)
Moved to Off Topic since it's... off the topic of Monday Night Combat. I've already bought Limbo, which is a great game. Definitely worth playing. I'm also looking forward to Lara Croft, I like top-down RPGs.
Bought Hydro thunder Hurricane because I bought Hydro Thunder 1 for $1 and it was worth it. (It was miss labeled so it was super cheap) Not really impressed by HTH because there is nothing new except the "Drive thru the rings" and "Dodge the barrels" modes. Stages seem shorter than the HT1 but haven't played it for a long time so I cant really be sure. But there is online mode which I still need to give a go. Gonna buy Castlevania because I enjoyed most Castlevanias I have played. And then MNC which should get 400 points back. Still need to get xboxlive again so I feel like I have to spend a bunch of money just to give MNC a go, Probably just get a 3 month at first.
Anyone who appreciates games should play Limbo. It's elegant in it's simplicity. Amazing in it's tone and presentation. It's an experience that shouldn't be missed. That said, it's brutally difficult in spots.
I played the trial for LIMBO and really liked it, but I can't justify $15 for a few hours of gameplay. I don't generally base the purchase of a title off the number of hours it's supposed to last, but a game like this I will play once, maybe twice, and be done with it. If it was a retail game, I could sell or trade it in and get some money back, but you can't with a downloadable title. I will probably buy it when it's on sale for $10. Other than LIMBO and MNC, Lara Croft is the only other one that interests me. Although, if it is good, I could get all three and it would be the same as buying LIMBO on sale due to the 400 MP rebate.
It's always amazing to me how people perceive value. Now, I'm not saying you're right or wrong, I'm merely making an observation... I'd be willing to bet that you have recently paid around $15 to go see a 3D movie for an hour and a half to two hours but yet $15 for a 4-6 hours of enjoyment out of a game is too much. I have friends who make iPhone games who I've talked to about the same thing, they had complaints that their game (Highborne, great turn based strategy game for the iPhone) being $2.99 instead of $0.99. That astonishes me.
I think $2.99 - $5 for an iphone/ipod touch game is incredibly reasonable! I've got an ipod touch on the way to me as we speak -- Ill look for that game 1st thing when I get it.
Avatar is the only movie I've seen in 3D, but I thought it was well worth it. You can't get that experience anywhere else. Plus, everything is cheaper in the Midwest versus either coast (I think it was $10.50 a ticket). And yes, I understand what you're saying. I don't usually base the value of entertainment on an hours-of-use basis. I once paid $20 to ride a sling-shot type of ride at a carnival that lasted less than 5 minutes. For me personallly, I wouldn't be able to enjoy LIMBO as it is intended cuz I can't usually get more than one or two consectutive hours to myself. You have to be able to immerse yourself in a game like LIMBO and I wouldn't get that opportunity; therefore, I would be denied the full experience. I do want to play it eventually, but I'm not hurting for games right now. I'm still in the middle of my first playthrough of Borderlands and I've had Dragon Age: Origins for over 4 months and haven't even created a character yet. And it looks like I won't have much time to catch up since MNC will likely be my entire month of August and, after that, starts the holiday season of big name releases.
I consider a game worth it's value if i intend to play it beginning to end. However, if a game is good(something that is either getting more rare, or i'm just getting pickier) then I'll willingly shell out for it. Last year was a pretty good haul, with Shadow Complex and MvC2. This year MNC may be my only purchase. However LIMBO was pretty fun too. Although the same thing that gives the game flavor also assures you one death per trap. I defy anyone to not step on a bear-trap at least once.
I bought Hydro Thunder Hurricane, which is pretty awesome. I never played the original, so I had no expectations. It's definitely worth the 1200 points, but the MP matchmaking could do with a few adjustments. I keep getting kicked from games. If you don't want me joining, play a friggin' private game! :lol: I played the Limbo trial, thought it was strange. Looks interesting, but I'll wait until it becomes a Deal Of The Week. I'd pick it up for 800 no problem. Not even looking at Castlevania after a review that I read. You can spend 30 minutes going through a level, then die from the boss, and you have to start the WHOLE level over again! Looks like I'll pick up Lara Croft, and get my 400 points back
I have Limbo it's just beautiful although the whole artistry slightly dries up after the half-way mark and just becomes ridiculously hard... I'm tied between ol' sexy Lara or Castlevania... Castlevania has some good reviews and I think i'll enjoy it but Lara looks more polished...
Castlevania is 6 maps, and its setup VERY much like a raid in WoW. You have 10 minutes to beat the boss of a level, but I've heard that you will play each level multiple times to earn gear and cash to buy stuff ... I'm torn, but I doubt I'll get it.
Eh, I went crazy and "big spender" ol' me bought castlevania, its actually quit good fun if you have someone to play with, if you want single player DO NOT BUY! I liked it, some silly game design decisions but still really good. Oh yeah and dlc is a pretty much garenteed for it aswell.
well i got my microsoft points from a friend so i had to choice one game and this is it by far isnt funny how ppl r more exicted about castlvania
I got limbo which I bloddy love and castlevania. Ofcourse I'll be getting monday night combat the day it comes out
I really liked the trial of Limbo, but I'm a broke student with only enough money for one arcade game so I'm sticking with MNC! The rest were a tad disappointing, I was looking forward to Castlevania but it seems like they dropped the ball on that one.
Limbo is absolutely amazing. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a game that much. I really want to get Castlevania...but two more days......