It's lovely to see the green nanolathes and glowing skeletons a-la TA, but for ease of identification, could nanolathes be the same colour as the player faction colours?
On every 1th April the game should show rainbow nanolathes with unicorn commanders. Sounds like a plan. A bit more on topic: I'd say the icon color and colors or the units are already pretty good?
I was imagining the spray to be multicolored, not the unfinished building. But I'll still use this mod till it breaks.
Nanolathe effects don't receive build fraction data, and I'm not sure if there is a change-over-time variable for Json, which is what the rainbow effect uses. Correct me if I'm wrong, I suck with shaders and data formats.
I'd much rather see many many other features be implemented before we get around to team coloured nanolathes. In fact, I would go as far as to say this should be modders territory only.
Why not just make it a quick clickable option for those people who want it? It can't be much work to just change that colour :S