There were at least 2 people trolling and griefing. One person suicides the entire other team, and ended the game in like 30 seconds. Another on my team took my commander and others commanders and made them go in circles, and suicides a few of them. So there should be some kind of protection against this by maybe making the commanders on each team only controllable by the person that spawned it or something. Maybe put name tags over each of the players commanders could be nice. And to allow people to control your commander have a UI option somewhere so that you commander is globally controllable. Just a few suggestions that came out from what was an absolutely stupid game.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Team armies will probably only be fun when playing with ppl you know or in ranked games. We will implement alliances soon. Quick Match will never join you to a Team Army game. That being said, with a group of ppl you know, team armies is a lot of fun. Having multiple commanders makes it harder to win with a single bomber run.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Haha. do not blame them man. The kid inside us can sometimes be tempted to do stupid things like that. LOL at the end of the day. this is the first time in TA/SC/PA game history to do something like this.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Honestly I think this is hilarious and what the alpha is about, finding ways wrong with the game and breaking them.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh There are no 'rankings' yet, so you might as well just start another game.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh I just got a griefer. Screamed I was touching "HIS" commander (!!!!) and then detonated "MY" commander. This game mode simply isn't working in public games... it will be great one we get ranked/planned games going.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Nah, its a great mode for public games too. We just need what every online game needs, an ignore function. (Preferably people on my ignore list would be placed as my enemies. :twisted: )
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Nah its really fun! We had more than several successful 5v5, 2v2v2v2, and a 3v3 and a 2v2v2 as well. We did a lot of matches, and i think we only had a minor issue once, but nothing to crazy. Then again half of our lobby were viewers from twitch and the rest were in our TeamSpeak (Im MajorCyto, and my partner is usually Tassadar/8Byte) Edit - The ONLY thing we care to have is either Numbered commanders so you can call one out for you, OR Nameplates with your username on one of the beginning commanders. We didn't have issues but sometimes we would all grab the same one and be like "oh sorry" and go down the line till everyone had one. So we kinda was numbered or nameplates just to speed up the beginning. Also, Being able to see where your teammate selected. Since we were in teamspeak we could all start together though.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh This is why I don't play pvp right now. I just test out patches in solo games.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Hey, dfanz0r. We had a pretty fun 5v5 last night, didn't we? It's not all bad.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh So the long term plan is that each commander has your actual name on it (and we are going to let you choose your display name separate from your uber login name). Don't forget you'll be able to choose which commander you are using as well. We'll add an option to allow only control of your own commander. Still the mode is meant for tight teams like clans, not randoms.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Could you not extend the idea of ownership to add a generic locking mechanism? How about: Each player has the ability to "lock" units they are working with. This temporarily prevents other team mates selecting/modifying their actions (mainly to prevent accidental changes). The locks are removable by all players so no lock is permanent. It just grants temporary, consented exclusion of certain units to the control of one team member. The commander is a special case in that it's lock can only be released by the owning team member. At the start of the game the commander is locked to each player, but they can give up the lock. It would be very handy! One thing it would be useful for is preventing people accidentally destroying a huge build queue for a construction unit, thinking it was not doing anything. If it were locked the other team member would be prompted by the presence of the lock to check why it was locked.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Sounds too complex for my taste but I suppose we could go that far. Honestly I think if you need to degrief teammates this much it's better to just play as allies with separate armies.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh My post was more focused towards accidental changes to a team members plans rather than griefing, as you say the team game is meant for playing with people you trust. If the system is too complex, maybe a lock system should only encompassed construction units... after all these are the units that you stand to cause most disruption with if you make a mistake?
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Honestly, I've been having almost nothing but awesome 5v5s with randoms so far. It works really well, at least here in alpha where there's a high barrier to entry so most people are acting in good faith. Team chat would help a lot, though, as would a way to see where your allies spawned. The best games are when everyone's collaborating in one large base, and that's harder to arrange when everyone's scattered at the start. I also hope that even in alliance games you'll have a 'give selected units to ally' function, and maybe even a 'give selected units shared control' one, in addition to various eco-sharing options. Just tell people not to grab con units that are actively moving or nanolathing. You build queues shouldn't be THAT huge anyway, since you'll need to be watching for the builder getting stuck, handling changing economy status, adjusting plans according to intel, and so on.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh You know, what would make more sense was if only you can touch your commander.
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh I've had a few games and actually found it worked quite well randomly. Only problem as someone mentioned was grabbing coms at the start and working out who has which one, other than that it's great. Team chat would help too!
Re: So me and 10 other people just got in a 5v5 and guess wh Yeah so far i've had 1 bad 5v5 and one good one. So it really is a mix on who gets what. edit: Happened again :/