Team play + resource management

Discussion in 'Support!' started by zGeneral, June 29, 2013.

  1. zGeneral

    zGeneral Member

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    I was thinking of how the resources expenditure is going to be problematic in team play as someone could be hogging the resources on building a v expensive unit.

    a nice feature would be to split the resources in 5v5 game into 20% share when all 5 players are fighting over it. or in other words:

    Energy > x, no limit on expenditure per player
    Energy < x:
    split the resources expenditure rate equally across all players

    what do u think?
  2. fidomuh

    fidomuh New Member

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    In theory this should not happen, as you shouldn't team with people looking to ruin the teamplay-epxerience, but in reality this is a good point;
    In games where resources are shared, you need to either, individually, be able to segregate or to somehow have a system that managed it for you.

    I think a 100%/players split is a great idea, maybe with a slider where each player can "allow" up to X% of their resources to be shared. :)
    To promoto teamplay it could default to 100% shared for instance.

  3. thefreemon

    thefreemon Member

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    I agree with the slider idea. Seems like the best option. You have my support. :)
  4. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    I second the slider idea, can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be a good idea right now.
  5. zGeneral

    zGeneral Member

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    I am with you as well. but just to clarify, The share is on the resource input rate and not the actual resources in storage. and this should only kick in when the storage drops at X% amount
  6. fimpish

    fimpish New Member

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    I think that's a good idea.

    But honestly, sharing all of your resources ALL of the time adds an entirely new dynamic to the game that you have to strategize around. Meaning that you have to constantly be aware of what your teammates are building and not just take the amount of energy and metal that you have for granted. You essentially have to play as one person (like bees! :D).

    Also, regarding the split. How would it work if one teammate is building much less than all of the others and therefore doesn't use his entire 20% share? Also, how could the game discriminate who owns what, if everybody owns everything, even their teammates' commanders? I often make use of fabbers and unit plants that my teammate has constructed and vice versa.

    There is a grayed out game mode when you enter a game called alliance that will probably be available soon. This will probably be the game mode that you like better if you don't like shared economy.
  7. FireDrakeX

    FireDrakeX Member

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    The original Dawn of War RTS handled resource sharing in a very nice way: first of all, it was optional, and each person on a team had to check a box indicating that they were willing to share resources. Second, it didn't work by having all of the resources dumped into a pool and having everyone use the same pool. Instead it let everyone have their own pool. Examples:

    You have 4 power gens, each making 10 power/second.
    Teammate has 1 power gen, making 10 power/second.

    If this were all going into a single pool, it would be possible for one player to consume 50 power/second and not run a deficit, so long as the other player wasn't using any power.

    However, with Dawn of War's system, each player has a separate pool of resources (and storage), and each player has the same income. So in the above situation, each player would simply be producing 25 power/second. If one player wanted to build at 50 power/second, he'd quickly drain his power reserves, which wouldn't affect his teammates.
  8. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    What I have been doing is just stopping the stupid action. But in theory you would want to play with a pre-formed team if you want to be competitive and use a voip system to communicate.
  9. zGeneral

    zGeneral Member

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    in Networking QoS "Quality of Service"(Cisco), there is a way to solve this. we can use the same methodology, it is as follows:
    1) The link BW rate is X bps(in our case is it energy per sec)
    2) we have 5 customers on the link (i.e 5 players in the team)
    3) as long as the BW used by all customers is less than the BW offered, then no need to kick in QoS
    i.e as long as the total energy consumption rate is less than the input energy rate then do nothing
    4) once the the BW required equals to the offered BW then do the following:
    a) throttle down all customers to a pre-set % totaling 100%. in our case each one of the 5 players will be granted 20%
    b) if any of the players is not using his 20% fully, then the remaining is split equally to the other players THAT HAVE REACHED THEIR MAX OF 20%...etc. for example:
    if it started as 20% +20% +20% +20% +20% = 100%
    then if players 4 and 5 decided to build cheap stuff that require 2.5% and 7.5% respectively, then the extra rate is split equally between players 1,2,3 that are at max of 20%, so the result is as follows:
    30%+30%+30%+2.5%+7.5% = 100%

    This method is sold. we use in Telco service providers. I am sure we can use it similarly to share resources. sharing link BW problem = sharing energy/metal :)
  10. Ralith

    Ralith Member

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    Spring had a nice simple system where it would share surplus (if your reserve is full and you still have positive income) but otherwise everyone's supply is segregated. That might be nice for alliance games, though I actually think zgeneral's solution is nicer in general.
  11. aeonsim

    aeonsim Active Member

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    Something should be done the first "team" game I'd concentrated on building a base and plenty of resources. Which have been in excess for a while and I was trying to push up to t2 when suddenly we're -24000 energy, and -1000 matter, turns out one of the allies had built him self ~20+ engineers and was using them to focus build a new base...

    Really screws things up when you suddenly find your ally taking 2/3rds of the shared resources for 10+mins and slowing down all your econ focused builds so much that it's hard to try and increase supply. Thankfully they started building some econ eventually as well rather than just tonnes of factories (and then got wiped out which solved the issue, building factories with no defenses and no units except engs is not the best way to win).

    Team chat would be a useful partial solution that way one could coordinate with out giving away the fact your econ is being overwhelmed.
  12. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Resource sharing should be implemented for multiple ARMIES on the same TEAM, not multiple PLAYERS in the same ARMY.

    You should think of Armies like a Roman Legion. They all share the same tactics, battle space, rations, tents and orgies. A Team would be a collection of Roman Legions; a whole Roman Army that coordinates with one another to kick ***.
  13. veta

    veta Active Member

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    Ideally you'd want a player or two to handle base management and production while others handle air/land/sea units.

    That way there's no confusion about allocating resources or armies. I always liked playing as the specialist in Brood War shared army games, getting high value out of a small group of units.
  14. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    I think this is a option we don´t like.
    Not that not nice thought,but im not see this option, on this tactical game.
  15. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    I endorse this, especially for random teams. Having the option to share everything, or just your surplus could make both preformed and random teams a lot more playable.
  16. veta

    veta Active Member

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  17. zGeneral

    zGeneral Member

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    I agree. In my last random plays I ended up mostly sitting idle because everyone is building everything at the same time. I know this is not ideal and teams should be more in sync in this mode but such feature would make random team members able to play to some extent.
  18. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    This man gets it.

    Really, I'd be extremely hesitant to be playing in the same army as someone I wasn't in teamspeak with. You just cant get the quick response and co-ordination necessary otherwise.

    Quick edit: this may change when some sort of pinging system is implemented.

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