Wanted to introduce myself...and a question about buying

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by comradelucifer, June 28, 2013.

  1. comradelucifer

    comradelucifer New Member

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    Hi Guys,

    Wanted to introduce myself to the community. I go by the name ComradeLucifer and I'm just about to purchase alpha access here. I was a huge fan of TA growing up, loved SUPCOM, etc. I'm really looking forward to testing with you guys and finally seeing this thing in action!

    I had a question regarding purchasing. Is it better to purcahse through the ubernet store directly, or through steam? I'm a tad confused about which option is better/most players utilize.

    Also, is there a TS channel for this game or communtiy forum where I can meet people to play with? I really appreciate the info, and genuinely look forward to playing with you guys.

    A big thanks to uber for making this amazing feat of daring and mad genius, you guys resurrected something I thought long dead. Thank you very much :).

    Again, thank you for the info guys, and looking forward to meeting all of you in battle!

  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    As for as better for you, it doesn't matter, you get the same thing either way.

    But for Uber, it's better for them if you buy direct from them as they get more 'profit' to roll back into the game that way.

  3. comradelucifer

    comradelucifer New Member

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    Very cool, I'll definitely go through uber directly.

    As far as a chat service for gaming; is there one implemented? Is there a teamspeak channel or somesuch area?

    Thanks for info regaridng purchasing Knight, that's exactly what I was wondering.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    There are some groups with Teamspeaks. Also there is an IRC used by the community.
    IRC channel #planetaryannihilation on the server irc.esper.net
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    There is also a Uber Community Mumble channel. Here is the thread with all the info, though I am not too sure how many PA players actually use it.

    Also Hello and Welcome to our Community, comradelucifer! :D or should I use this emote? :twisted:
  6. comradelucifer

    comradelucifer New Member

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    pleasure to be here guys, I'll check out the mumble link! And that second emote works just fine :p I've heard great things about the community and can't wait to get involved, thanks again guys.

    One question about the graphics card before I hit the buy button; is the game compatibile with a gtx 690? I aplogize for not remembering to ask sooner. I just would like to make sure as much as possible that I won't have technical issues (on my side) before investing the money in this bad boy.

    You've certainly all made me feel very welcome, seems like a very awesome place and community.

  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    A GTX690 is SLI on one card, right? Currently people with SLI report pretty bad performance, as in somebody with a Geforce Titan SLI reported below 1 fps. So you might need to disable the SLI features and go with only one GPU if that is possible.
  8. comradelucifer

    comradelucifer New Member

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    It does appear possible on the nvidia control panel to disable multi-gpu mode, but I'm not sure about re-enabling it, so kind of nervous about disabling. The 690 has 2 gpus, there is no SLI feature on the card (although it is posslbe to SLI two 690s) so I'm not sure if it will be an issue for me. Any advice?

    thanks for the heads up about the potential issue, I haven't bought yet as I'd like to be reasonably sure it will run. I knnow it's in alpha state and things are definitely going to improve over time, but any further advice regarding the 690 would be appreciated.

    Thanks again guys,

  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    the 690 is using SLI on one card. So you do have SLI. I have never used SLI myself, but I don't think switching it off and on is a problem.
  10. comradelucifer

    comradelucifer New Member

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    Ok, very cool. Looks like all is good. I have one more question...

    At this point I'm just trying to decide on purchasing through steam or directly through uber. If I go the steam route, I understand that you must link your steam and your uber account. I searched the forums, but I can't seem to find any info on how/where to do that Would one of you guys mind pointing me in the right direction? I appreciate it. Thanks for the info on the SLI Colin. And I do apologize if any of these questions have been done to death before, to my credit, I did attempt the search function :)

  11. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    To link your account you may need to use this link: https://uberent.com/user/linksteam
    It might be provided to you automatically, I don't know. I don't use steam for PA.

    However I would recommend you to buy directly through Uber either way as it yields Uber more income and you can link your account to steam afterwards anyway.

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