PA + orchestral music = honey + herring = crap

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sokolek, September 13, 2012.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That music releases so much endorphin due to nostalgia that it isnt fit to prove your point. ;)
  2. denimoflint

    denimoflint New Member

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    I guess classic music might be kind of common in lots of battle games like that, I think it's awesome if it's actually original-sounding classic with the vocals. The music in the concept video is brilliant because I just like it's style within the genre. I haven't played a lot of RTSs but I've listened to a few songs off SupCom and I think it is a little bit bland and repetitive to classic I heard previously. If anything I think the PA and TA music is setting of a spark with classic music again.

    Yeah, I can imagine PA with some synth, but I'll stick around and see what the Symphony is like. Who knows, maybe you might enjoy it again? Or they might consider mixing a bit of classic and techno together. ;)
  3. vohjiin

    vohjiin New Member

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    Here is my take, I love dubstep, techno, trance, love them. Would they work in how I feel/think PA will be yes. Will classical music like the stuff in TA fit into PA yes.

    This is all about personal tastes, it might be a generational thing but epic music is full orchestral music to me (idk if that means Im getting to be a classic...dammit I'm not that old yet still new.). I have watched how both types are made and you have to respect how orchestral music is played and composed. That is not saying that techno and the like wouldn't fit, I think both would do the game justice.

    I will play listening to the music that comes with PA and know I will enjoy it. Course I will more then likely at times play my own in the background as I often do and it will be techno/trance/dubstep I have a lot of variation on those.

    After my first crash asteroid in base feeling my second time I will be playing the trololo song. Just because when jurgenvonjurgensen linked it I couldn't stop laughing thinking about it as the music for that scene.

    Can't we change this thread to what will you listen to when playing PA? Original sound track, personal music, etc...
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I destroy my enemies to the sound of Chopin.

    Try it :D
  5. dacite

    dacite Member

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    I'd rather they would try something new rather than stick with the "tried and true" epic symphonies. I think playing PA to epic 16-bit tracks would really set it apart and suit the art style better.
  6. sabetwolf

    sabetwolf Member

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    Far too much "I don't even..." in this thread.
    1. Everyone's music taste is different, though the majority of us seem to enjoy orchestral soundtracks (imho, greatest way for music to be performed).
    2. PA will be getting an orchestral soundtrack. That does not mean all the music will be classical. (It will just all sound straight out awesome)
    3. If you don't like it, its called Audio options and ITunes. I'm sure even those that love the soundtrack may do this. (I know I will after I've played enough times to recognise each tune. Not to say I won't play without it).
    Thread solved?
  7. jumpinjezza

    jumpinjezza New Member

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  8. veta

    veta Active Member

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    classical/opera pls
  9. sumo0

    sumo0 New Member

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    classical music have been awesome since the 1500's outlasting almost everything since then.
    Fullblown techno is only nice when on drugs...

    Aanyways, i always mute music in games and play my own music instead.
  10. element99

    element99 New Member

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    I agree that we don't need another cliche epic (semi-)classical soundtrack for this game.

    If it's going to be classical, it should be epic with a dark robotic twist! Like Venetian Snares!

    Otherwise hire Frank Klapacki or Amon Tobin.
  11. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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