I don't know how hard it is to change it but I really don't like the green building animations. Lasers or something like that would look much better in my opinion!
Welcome to the german subforums I moved your thread to an english general forums. I think many of us are pretty reminiscent about the green spray, coming from TA.
While I did appreciate how the three factions in FA had different build animations I am a bit partial to the classic TA era aerosol spray. It's a tank in a can! Or a tank full of tanks!
It could be better but it could also be worse. I'm satisfied with how it looks. My main concern is any nanolathing effect slowing down the game when you've got an unlimited number of construction bots in play.
I also love the TA style build animation and hope they only improve it with spiffy special fx and don't stray to far from what they already have. BOOO to lasers =)
Effect looks fine to me. Althoug I wonder how you have time to look at the building animations? Usually I've to do so much at once that I can't even look at the details anymore when playing. :mrgreen:
Just wait until you're fighting multiple battles on multiple fronts on multiple planets.... You won't even remember what color your faction is LOL.
Aside from the classic TA Nanolathe effect, the Aeon were the only ones that had a cool build effect. UEF looked clunky, Cybrans looked half-assed, and the Seraphim looked like a cop-out. Even then, the Aeon effects were very buggy graphics-wise.
I don't like the green spray, but I've gotten used to it, just like the taste of coffee. My favorite is definitely the Aeon pools.
I think the green spray effect looks pretty simple ATM if you compare it to for example medic's healing beam from tf2.
I'm kind of impartial to it. I really like the later stage of it, where the outline is filled in bottom-up. But at the same time, it's kind of weird -- spray nickelodeon slime and get giant artillery cannon -- either way. I might get some kind of custom mod for it later, like with the video posted above.
I positively hate the Aeon construction pools effects. They resemble the liquid metal Terminators in that T2 Terminator movie. Awful, just awful. Again, my opinion.