PA Alpha Build: 50083

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, June 26, 2013.

  1. pinbender

    pinbender Active Member

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    That's actually very interesting. It shouldn't have been taking that much.

    Out of curiosity, what tool are you using to determine that? Process Explorer?
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    2GB was a pretty extreme case a few version ago after a long game, though. It usually stated (and still does) at 1.5GB and goes up.
  3. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    same observation as cola-colin and measurement also made with gpu-z.

    By the way thanks a lot for providing detailed information.

    I guess alpha stage is one of the most tough step in game development process.
  4. mithri1

    mithri1 New Member

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    Well, the change seems positive so far as the game no longer locks up on Surface Pro. Now it is actually relatively fluid. But I have seen many complex terrains yet either in the new build. But so far it is moving in the right direction.

    A small note regarding Surface Pro: As per recommendation from Microsoft , you need the latest driver from Intel (for the 4000 GPU) and block(hide) the automatic driver update coming from Microsoft. Because the driver provided from Microsoft is broken, and even if you update manually. The autoupdate will revert to the old version (breaking the control panel for Intel) Doing this will make it possible to run most software, and get proper OpenGL support as well.
  5. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    Damnit. At work when a new build drops :( But, NEW BUILD!

    I ususally get 60-70 fps in older builds on uber, so it'll be interesting to see what the drop will be :mrgreen: Also looking forward to some audio clues!

    I think the only thing I can't check is GPU ram use, but 2GB of sys ram is shared (automatically I guess, cus my comp is a frankenstein) so 4GB in totes. This also reminds me I need a 2nd monitor for sensor outputs and stuff...... LOL
  6. pinbender

    pinbender Active Member

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    Ah, ok. As far as I'm aware, that's actually showing the GPU memory in use for the entire system. Check out process explorer: You can add GPU columns there, and it shows GPU memory information per-process. I think committed is how much we're asking for, and dedicated is what's currently resident. (Both should be much lower in the next build.)
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I'll check it out. My guess is that it will be around 1,4GB, as GPU-Z shows ~500MB used when I close PA after a ~1.9GB game finished
  8. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    Awesome. This will complete my sensor suite! I really need to get a second monitor for all this. Or figure out how to stream them to my phone over LAN. My upload speed sucks for twitch :(
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Process Explorer indeed shows around 1.4GB
  10. RainbowDashPwny

    RainbowDashPwny Active Member

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    Yeah this is alpha, sure performance may drop now for a bit, but in the long run this is ALPHA. I am sure in order to get the performance where it needs to be across all platforms will require a few more passes on graphics which each time will probably wipe out a bunch of optimizations.

    Today my 680gtx will get here so performance for me will probably still go up. I am going to have both my GTX550 ti and 680 installed and actively switch between them and give feedback on the performance and memory usage of both as new builds come out.

    With my current card late game my frame rate was dropping to around 4fps (with it being ~15-30 the rest of the game). I don't know if it was because of how many units I was fielding late game (because of the exponential growth in eco) or from all the particles being spewed from my 10+ factories (also because of the exponential growth in eco). I will be using that GFX card for my first game or two today to see how the new build effects it.
  11. mithri1

    mithri1 New Member

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    Now I finally played a very complicated planet, lots of cracks, mountains etc.. and it still performed well on my Surface Pro. Great job guys :D (2x thumbs up) !!
  12. dxdon

    dxdon New Member

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    hey guys,

    I running PA via steam with window 8 and 32-bit. I just updated and restart steam, but when i lunch the game it says "PA.eve has stopped working". Any suggestion to help fixing this problem? thanks
  13. Frostiken

    Frostiken Member

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    Do you fuckers even sleep? The progress this is making is ridiculous.
  14. felipejoker

    felipejoker New Member

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    Sound cues!!!!!!
    I almost canĀ“t believe!!! :D

    Great ( and fast!!!) job guys!
  15. songi

    songi New Member

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    Noticed the drop in FPS as well, however building placement seems more normal but you can still stack them.

    As for the FPS here are some things I noticed:

    (Full screen with uber settings)
    Mouse off screen (on second monitor), zoomed out and in = 60 FPS
    Mouse on screen (being rendered) FPS less than 30
    Actively zooming FPS less than 10
    I will get a huge frame rate drop as the Delta starts building a large structure (from 60 to 10) once the building structure has fully propagated the frame rate returns to normal
  16. ghosteyez

    ghosteyez Member

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    Agreed, I also have issues with major utter crap FPS.

    Moon map, I get 100 FPS zoomed in, move about the screen, drops to 50-60 and when a small skirmish starts, 5-8 tanks, FPS is utter crap.

    Jungle maps is not playable no matter how I describe the issue.

    Mise well find the nearest asteroid and send it to every jungle world. lol!
  17. thetdawg3191

    thetdawg3191 Active Member

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    some opinion on the balance/pathing adjustments.

    walls/gens/exts spacing reduction: goodie, i can pack those money makers tight! also, we can cram wall segments bumper to bumper. takes a painstaking ammount of attention to detail, but definitely worth being able to cock-block tank columns.

    AA Turrets: finally, AA is more accurate and therefore more deadly!
  18. mithri1

    mithri1 New Member

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    Interesting note on this. When I set my settings to maximum I actually got better performance on all types of maps. Lowest setting performed the worst.
  19. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    My computer is not exactly a young machine. As a result, if I run the game fully maximised, then I'm normally getting about 4-5 FPS. I'm sure things will be optimised better in the future, and there's a strong chance I will be getting a new machine before the end of the year, so I'm not too worried.

    However the last build saw a sudden jump for me up to about around 30 for fully maximised. I was about to congratulate the devs, until I realised that another bug I'm experiencing at the moment may be responsible.

    Playing on the lunar environment, no additional geometry or textures were loaded, leaving a smooth and blank featureless sphere. The only textures on it were those that were caused by explosions, partway through the game. May be related to Bugs FS#981 and FS#1009.

    However, not loading these textures/geometry has given a massive speed boost. Starting a game again, I got a fully rendered earth-like planet, and the usual 4-5 FPS. Is it reasonable that the environmental textures and objects should be responsible for such a performance drop?
  20. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Yes, rendering an empty plane is considerably faster than rendering a ton of trees.

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