Idea for walls

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by turroflux, June 25, 2013.

  1. turroflux

    turroflux Member

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    I thought maybe PA could borrow from the C&C universe in regards to walls, instead of just flat blocks, laser fences, for any who never played Tiberian sun:

    You basically build fences hubs that when built within a certain distance of another, in a straight line, form a laser fence, that can't be attacked or passed through. Destroying a hub would break the line of any fence it was connected to, so you generally focus fire them, but they'd be tougher then regulars walls, to compensate.

    I think it would make fortifying bases more fun and making attacking bases more interesting.

    It would be fun experimenting will layouts and maze like patterns for optimal defending and planning attacks based on which hubs you'll entire by and if you need to bomber them out first or destroy them with a proper attack, and then there is rebuilding mid battle to reactivate wall sections.

    An additional function, that goes well with the power off function PA will have, is the ability to power down hubs, creating gates that you can turn off and on.

    I think having dynamic defenses in a game where maps can be devoid of much in-built defenses, like the side of the map for instance would really add something.

    Also on maps with chokes and ravines, it would definitely add depth if you had the ability to block off passages entirely, by hiding hubs beyond weapons fire around the corners.

    Rant over. Thanks.
  2. GalacticCow

    GalacticCow Active Member

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    Age of Mythology, I recall, did a similar method:


    You would specify vertices, and walls would be built between. HOWEVER, there was a maximum wall segment length, and thus towers would be build automatically between them at a pre-determined length.

    There were also gates that only friendly units could pass through -- could work here too?
  3. turroflux

    turroflux Member

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    Indeed, except you could attack any part of the wall and enter through there, where as in tiberian sun the laser part of the fence was not attack-able, only the hubs. Same general idea though.
  4. Hawkn

    Hawkn New Member

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    So much yes. This would fix my biggest problem I have with the current wall system.
  5. paulvonhindenburg

    paulvonhindenburg New Member

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    Here are different walls from Empire Earth just for fun.

    Wall types are count from the center.

    Tower prehistoric

    Tower cooper age
    Wall cooper age

    Tower early medival
    Wall early medival

    Tower imperial age
    Wall imperial age

    Tower and wall cercerate

    and Finally laser towers and walls

    There would be an extra wall type in Art of Concest but it strikes at the moment.
    But it would be fun to show what they thouht about batteling over planets :)

    But keep in mind that this game is from 2001.

    If you wish I can add more

    With friendly regards PaulvonHindenburg.

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