Where is the file - mac user I'm getting an error: Failed to Start the Game (Missing Executable) and it seems like it is because when I choose install nothing is really downloaded to my computer. I'm using a mac, which seems to be the issue. Thanks
I think Uber removed Mac/Linux builds from Steam because they too unstable. You need to link your UberNet account with Steam account here: https://uberent.com/user/linksteam And then you might download game here: http://uberent.com/launcher/padownloads And discuss builds in special Linix/Mac alpha subforum: viewforum.php?f=73
Und bitte nochmal aus dem Forum ausloggen und wieder einloggen, nachdem du den Uber- und den Steam-Account verlinkt hast! Viel Glück!
Does anyone know what happened to this Linux/Mac forum? I can't get there using the viewforum.php?f=73 link.
It's in the same place(inside the Alpha Subforum) but with the change of the Forum Software some links don't work anymore. Mike