Will PA Run on Windows XP?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by greeves, June 21, 2013.

  1. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Successful troll is successful?
  2. antillie

    antillie Member

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    You are correct. I failed to make the distinction. However I felt since that nobody has ever compiled a game for the Itanium architecture to my knowledge it wasn't worth mentioning that version.

    The OEM x86_64 version of XP Pro was only ever available on business workstations aimed at the Auto Cad and 3D design market. (Just like the Itanium version.) It could not be purchased separately like the OEM version of 32 bit XP and was never available to general consumers.
  3. Bgrmystr2

    Bgrmystr2 Active Member

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    I tried to leave. You decide to come back and bite my face off.
    Y u do dis? :<

    That said, clearly XP 64bit is so obscenely difficult to purchase.
    http://www.ebay.com/itm/Microsoft-Windo ... 27d37c5d4c

    http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_1260 ... xMPMMGx018

    Plenty of others:
    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbm= ... sPVgV_yHoE


    Know what? I think I'll discontinue sitting here arguing semantics about whether or not XP 64bit is available. I also choose not to reply to your other statements (Don't get me wrong, I did read them.) I totally and completely concede to your infinitely superior wisdom. XP simply cannot be 64bit. :roll:

    With that, I'll take my leave and not come back until I actually have hard facts about the OP's topic at hand instead of things that really don't matter. See you guys here again on Monday. <3
  4. antillie

    antillie Member

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    The fact that you can get it 2nd hand 10 years later when MS no longer cares doesn't really mean anything.

    My point wasn't that it was never available. It was that is was so rare that it has no place in a discussion on PC gaming OS's. Even when XP was the only gaming OS out there it was still nearly unheard of. It was never pre installed on new PCs marketed to consumers and even power users and people who built their own PCs didn't bother with it because there was no reason for a home user to run a 64 bit OS until about 2009.
    Last edited: June 22, 2013
  5. frankablu

    frankablu Member

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    You can install Linux on a dual boot and play like that.
    There are plenty of Linux distributions that automatically resize your windows partition for you.
  6. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    I hope this game will never work on XP in any way shape or form. I hope that the developers don't have to worry about game breaking issues caused by people that log in with XP systems.

    The game should be developed for Windows 8 and 7 with support/fixes for Vista. Anybody with an older operating system should upgrade. Heck even people with Vista should consider upgrading, but supporting on an obsolete platform is a pathetic waste of time.
    Culverin likes this.
  7. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    I like it when people don't mince words.

    sherrif's post is spot-on.

    If Uber are crunching permanently and have a shortage of staff compared to what they would prefer, I would much rather that the game gets made than they attempt to get the game working properly on a legacy OS.

    You don't see people asking for ME support, do you (heh heh heh, sorry, couldn't resist)?
  8. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    I want PA on punch cards.
  9. Nukesnipe

    Nukesnipe Member

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    ...people still use XP?

    Tell Fred I said hi.
  10. chetmanley

    chetmanley Member

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    I am appalled to see that PA will not run on FMS.

    How am I to play it on my IBM 7094?! :(
  11. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    upgrade to an abacus
  12. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Pft... You kids. I want it on my stone tablets. In Cuneiform. The original Cuneiform.
  13. duglum

    duglum New Member

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    If it won't run on my Cray I i'll be mad. I also expect that it's being written in FORTRAN or COBOL.

    And now shoo, go get yourself an OS that is not 13 years old.
  14. Bgrmystr2

    Bgrmystr2 Active Member

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    Before I post my results, I wanted to address one post in particular.
    You, Sir. You could wish unhappiness, suffering, and failure upon many MANY groups of people in the world. Corrupt politicians, criminals, malicious individuals.. etc. Alas, you wish that upon the group using Windows XP. A group that likely nearly all of them you don't even know. Said group whom have done absolutely nothing to you.

    You wish that simply upon those who use Windows XP, and not anyone who actually deserves it. That is very dark and ironic, coming from a random individual such as yourself.

    I applaud you for not mincing your words, and agree with Gorbles on this alone. I do not agree that you feel the need to wish failure upon those who do not deserve it, and am saddened by your approach on the subject. I doubt that Windows XP 32bit would cause any type of "game breaking issue" whatsoever, but do agree that if it did happen, it would be unwanted, and also agree and understand on their stance to not support Windows XP. (As an XP user, at that.)

    As to the topic at hand, Upon the testing of Windows XP 32bit, it gives me an error as thus:

    pa.exe - Entry Point Not Found
    The procedure entry point CancelIoEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.

    CancelIoEx is a function that cancels I/O functions in the current process.
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 85%29.aspx

    It doesn't exist on Windows XP, and that said, I saw a couple of assorted workarounds, but only for the specific programs the error was associated with.

    Since CancelIoEx is a Windows Vista and higher function, it does not naturally exist in Windows XP's Kernel.dll. Even if you did successfully use a workaround, it would not do the same thing as it does in Vista and others. It MIGHT be possible, but the hoops you'd have to jump through as well as the coding you'd need to understand to pull off these workarounds off, only to likely have them fail in your face... It's not going to be worth it.

    Planetary Annihilation physically will not work on Windows XP 32bit. Tested. Proven. Done.

    In before "Already knew it wasn't supported." Difference between supported and functional. Programs for Dos and 95 do not support 2k, XP, Vista, or 7, and you can get them to work. Flawed logic.
  15. Sherrif

    Sherrif Member

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    It may be backward thinking, but honestly anybody still using XP does deserve programs that don't work. There's a serious problem with individuals that continue to use old versions of software with the expectation of everybody still making it work for them. They need to upgrade to a current operating system, there's plenty of them to choose from. When the computing world literally has to be held back by people that consider their obsolete operating system to be superior we lose in progress.

    Of course in a full elitist argument I could say that developing for any system other than the current operating system (Win8) is completely and utterly useless. But I still consider windows 7 current, and spending some time to help people out with Vista doesn't hurt. But remember that every build they have to work on a different operating system than Win8 is time spent NOT implementing features and fixing bugs issues. Not to say that making it available to as many people as possible isn't important.

    It still is their own fault, (sorry), but there are three iterations of windows that came out after XP. The fact that Microsoft still provides support for it is rage inducing, they've extended that for several times and lost quite a bit of money because of it. Windows 6/7/8 are all better alternatives, Windows 8 Pro was being sold for like 20 bucks for personal use when it first came out, this was an upgrade edition, sure, but you could have upgraded from Windows XP with that upgrade.

    The issue here is that people will continue to feel the right to ask for official support for something that should be locked away in the files of history. There is no place for XP discussion on these forums. Sorry to be so offensive, but they brought it on themselves for not updating their software.
  16. Bgrmystr2

    Bgrmystr2 Active Member

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    I see where you're coming from and respect your opinions on the subject. I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, so to speak.

    Before I get into my post, I want to say that in re-reading and proofreading this, it almost feels like I'm yelling, and I'm not trying to do so at all. I don't think it comes off like that, but it's seriously bugging me to no end, so if it does come off like that, I preemptively apologize.

    I personally dislike when people downplay the prowess of windows XP. When you look at programs that don't run on XP by default because they don't support it, there's no way to tell if it would run smoothly or not.

    Example, I can max out Borderlands 2's graphics on my system, highest PhysX and all, and my gpu (as a 285) is pretty damn old. I get 40-60 frames, and that simply proves that the latest and greatest isn't ALWAYS needed. Past 60 FPS, you really stop noticing a difference. Normally, it's a waste. Nothing gets me more disappointed in computer users than those who spend thousands on their tower and will NEVER use it to even half it's potential. It's such a waste when I do the same things they do and would have paid way less in a fair ratio.

    That's also a reason why I don't upgrade unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. There's no reason to have the latest and greatest and spend an arm and a leg to get it when I won't be able to utilize it any better than my current tower. It peeves me when others tell me windows XP can't hold a candle when the only time it can't is when it's by default unable to run it. The only thing you need the extremely powerful stuff is for heavily-intensive software, like graphical design or calculations. I could run a GTX 660 if I wanted to, and my quad even at 3.2 can easily rock house. It won't run stupid amounts of data like Intel's octo core i7 extremes, but I can tell you if you're maxing that kind of processor, you're NOT playing a computer game. xD

    If I ignored the money situation, I really dislike that vista, 7, and 8 have so much less customization. 7 isn't nearly as bad as vista was with the..
    I know it can be disabled, but seriously, it's entirety is just a nightmare, disabled and all.

    8 on the other hand, is seriously lacking on the user privacy area, on top of having low customization.. I cannot correctly express in words the amount of do not want.

    Now... With that said,
    I completely and utterly agree with you on this. I have absolutely no problem installing 7 on my second partition, and that's exactly what I plan to do. For now I'll be putting it on a VM.

    When programs are designed with XP support, I'm torn, because I'm glad they're supporting the system, but they're also being held back from what they could possibly do with it. It's the same thing with consoles. Consoles cannot have their cores or GPU changed, they can't have more ram, you can't edit the operating system, they're bought as-is, and it holds back the console industry until a new one is made. Not so with a computer, which can always be upgraded, always be better, faster, stronger, we have the technology. Consoles also do not have to worry about supporting XP, Vista, 7, and 8 all at the same time, nor the different hardware either. Ease of function.

    Many people still use Windows XP for a multitude of reasons, and while I do agree that with it's specific limitations, games are also being held back, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I like the ability of newer OSes, but dislike their lack of design with the user in mind. I don't like feeling forced to buy a computer that costs as much as a car just to play a new game that just came out. It's not anyone's fault really, just the situation that's crap. We don't live in a perfect world where it can be pinned on one factor alone.

    I am in 100% support of Uber, where they're going with Planetary Annihilation, and the scalability of it. While I do think that in a more perfect world, they would be able to not only make it work for XP, but let it scale with the highest tier computers too. I don't know how far something like SCFA or Borderlands 2 could go in comparison to PA, though. BL2, once you max your gfx, you're basically done, the game doesn't get any more cpu/ram intensive..

    PA is a completely different monster. It will truly scale with the most powerful computers imaginable, any number of monitors, 40 player games, monstrous solar systems.... I see a massive future for PA in doing what has probably never been done before in gaming. They need to spend all the money they have wisely, and I would never demand support for XP when I know they need it for other things. I would LOVE if they supported XP, no question, but they chose not to, and I accept and support this decision to move forward.
  17. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Many of the reasons for attempting to forcibly remove XP from being used by deliberately preventing software from working have little to do with performance and alot to do with the security model (or lack thereof) of XP. Note that this has nothing to do with PA not supporting it - too low an install base and lack of .NET framework dependancies are the main culprits there.

    Security of a network (and the internet on the whole) is only as strong as the weakest link. XP is an incredibly weak link. As an IT admin, I can attest to the massive drop in virus/malware infections after we migrated to Windows 7, and this is due to UAC. You mention the UAC prompts in Vista / 7 being annoying, but they are no different to the admin prompts in OSX (and actually more secure), or sudo - they are all different flavours of a similar security model.
  18. ephoscus

    ephoscus Member

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    This isn't a question of engineering - it's a cost problem, every time you add an OS to support it adds to the cost. Adding variants of OS also true, so to be supporting Win, linux & Mac -> yeah old versions of those I'd expect to have no support for.

    The only concern is that still many large publishers are pushing dev's to support all variants of windows to cover as many people as possible in that eco-system. So many people expect this. But for PA that isn't the same, they're not after one eco system, they're covering many, but not the older versions & so the guy at the beginning of this thread has been caught out.
  19. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Actually it is a question of engineering. XP does not have the .NET dependencies that PA needs to run. Simple as that. Why? Because MS does not back port things to 10+ year old versions of Windows that haven't been sold with new consumer PCs for over 5 years.

    The large company I work for has already banned XP from the corporate network and enforces the ban with network level client posture validation. Plug in an XP box and your switch port gets quarantined.

    The business world is moving on for security and regulatory compliance reasons. The home user world will follow. It is the way of things.
  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    bgrmystr2 :


    Jon Mavor (you know who Jon Mavor is?) posted himself on the FIRST PAGE of this thread. His nickname is Neutrino.

    Now you have to stop. This thread will not save XP as a matter of fact satan had claimed it's soul long ago. You can now go to Mac or Linux both are supported! (doesn't this feat deserve some kind of sacrifice? the gods would be offended otherwise)

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