Ok, the keyboard shortcuts should probably be updated some. F1 - hides UI (I dont know of a way to bring it back, an annoying way to loose a game) F3 - plays time backwards and slows down time (hitting it multiple times will stop replay) F4 - plays time forwards and slows down time (hitting it multiple times will stop replay) For both the F3 and F4, if you alternatively hit them, time keeps slowing down but is played in either direction. F5 - makes strategic icons larger F6 - makes strategic icons smaller (if you go too small the icons flip and start getting bigger) Anyone know of anything else that's not on the main post?
How about posting up the current key bindings in the current build/patch notes thread each time? garat?
Many of the keyboard shotcuts you guys are finding are are for debugging purposes rather than useful for real play. I added the F key to the original post as that is relevant to the gameplay.
Please add ctrl+z combination to select all units of the same type. Some mechanism of combining different types of units into a single group (or multiple groups of different units into one group or a group and a single unit into one group) without having to draw a rectangle would also help a lot.
While it may not add to gameplay, its nice to know what may effect gameplay in a negative way. For instance if there is a way to bring back the UI after hitting F1, I'd love to know. (just mashed F1 by accident on my compact keyboard again.)
That's a debug command for reloading the UI... which shouldn't do anything in the live build but is for some reason. And no, if you press it, you can't get your UI back. I'll try to fix it for the next release if I can fix it early enough tomorrow.
F1 reloads the front end UI from a work folder... which doesn't exist for you guys so it just breaks the UI completely. Technically it breaks the game even when it does exist because it specifically loads the main menu. U just hides and unhides the loaded UI.
[SUGGESTION] This suddenly came to me while posting in a thread about spheres and cameras. right now the "." flips between the one planet and its moon, and "," flips to celestial view. When you do finally add other planets and can travel between them, have "," and "." switch the view to the previous/next planet/moon in the solar system.
So in 50083 I think I pressed the ~ button, and a quake-style console happened. I can't get rid of it.
When in celestial view using the moon view command does switch to different bodies, but being able to go back and forth would be nice
These won't work on Mac OS X. Ctrl + up activates Mission Control; Ctrl + down activate Exposé; Ctrl + left goes to the desktop space to the left; and Ctrl + right goes to the desktop space to the right. I think if it was change to Cmd instead of Ctrl, then it will solve this problem.
So the real problem here is you're using OS X! The more seriously response: I don't think the game knows about the Command key yet... we should probably fix that.
I tried the freecamview by pressing space bar, wasnt able to switch back. It just sticked to the place, made keeping on playing impossible. How to reverse it?
The camera should return to normal when Space is released again. Maybe you've hit M by accident? This will switch to manual camera mode (WASD for movement) and can be switched of by hitting M again. If not then you may report a bug for this.
There is no key for that. You need to get in range (very close) and tell it to attack by right click on the target.
Nothing happens when I do that, and I do mean nothing. Right click on a target that uber cannoned me and stops firing completely. Full energy and won't fire at all.