I know this part of the game isn't implemented yet, but once they get around to adding interplanetary warfare I have been hoping to see "fully destructible" planets. Or something of that sort. I don't mean death star style laser blows it up, I mean I want to be able to launch a moon at a planet and crack said planet in half. Once it's in half (or more pieces, depending) each piece would develop its own orbit, some pieces would fall into the star of its system because of trajectory, other pieces would fly away completely, so it would add a kind of last chance feel to the game, your planet gets blowed up, but if you act fast you can still colonise that one over there. And maybe just as an easter egg, it could play "final countdown" when your chunk of the planet is screwed.
If death star lasers are ever implemented, I just want to say that there has been some calculations done on just how insanely powerful the death star was. It literally is accelerating the entire mass of the planet to not only escape velocity, but a staggering 2% of the speed of light!
Fully destructible planets are planned how is another matter entirely its probably just going to trial and error seeing how many asteroids one can throw into a planet and so on
Wouldn't a planet that is cut in two halfs collapse under its own weight and form two smaller planet covered with lava? It would certainly be a view to behold but it might take a fair bit of time and money to make a believable transition from one state into the other. Not to mention that it will take a fair amount of computing power and lag the game.
Well the game is called plantary annilhilation. wouldn do that name justice, if the planets stayed all nice and shiny all game long. explosions, craters, destruction, draining the resources. battle scar, splitting it in half
^agreed rmj. That is why I pledged 99, so I can see big *** beautiful explosions and planets being destroyed. The trailer was awesome