Would´t be better we have a real perspective of the fiel?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by kalherine, June 17, 2013.

  1. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Re: Would´t be better we have a real perspective of the fie

    They're between 700 and 400 now.
  2. lynx88

    lynx88 New Member

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    Re: Would´t be better we have a real perspective of the fie

    OP, you are just not used to it. The current planet in the alpha is mid-sized (feels like that anyway), so the curvature of the sphere is quite pronounced. The size of puny humans compared to the Earth makes the curvature almost unnoticeable.

    Larger planets would have less of this feel that you're talking about. I'm not sure if a forced perspective would work with a game like PA to make the surface seem flatter.

    Perhaps when a skybox and atmospheric effcts are added it will feel more natural. If you've played Populous: The beginning (which makes a flat plane made to seem like a sphere), having a skybox helps feel like you are 'grounded'.

    Maybe increase the near zoom level would help too, as well as larger terrain features.
  3. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Re: Would´t be better we have a real perspective of the fie

    I have a question about the memory footprint of a planet...

    How much of a difference does it make performance-wise if 95% of the planet is a single, flat, no detail type biome? (Ie, ocean)

    I was just looking at that Supcom map, and it makes me wonder if it would be a worthwhile experiment to see what happens if we put a map like that on a huge planet - same playable area, but 'to scale' if you will. It would kind of answer the question of whether we could have the same kind of gameplay / scale feel as Supcom. Yes, I realise this is NOT supcom, but still, people keep asking for it.

    If you could play on a planet-sized planet with detail only in a relatively tiny segment of that planet.. it would be kind of interesting, no?
  4. moofie

    moofie New Member

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    Re: Would´t be better we have a real perspective of the fie

    OK, gotta weigh in here.

    I love the small, spherical planets. I love the idea of bombarding my opponent from my moon base, and having the game take less than 24 hours.

    Fool with the projection, fine. I love the concept of smallish globes. If your engine can accept a large planet, great! Put it in for folks who like it. But do not compromise your vision of smallish globes whuppin' the hell out of each other...that (and your track record) are what sold me on this game.
  5. benipk

    benipk New Member

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    Re: Would´t be better we have a real perspective of the fie

    It feels great at the moment, not that I'll be complaining when we get to larger planets. But it does have a "The Little Prince: Planetary Annihilation" feel to it :lol:

  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: Would´t be better we have a real perspective of the fie

    I like this idea honestly. I am sure they will be able to add it sometime, but atomesphere-ish effects would be nice.

    Like kerbal space program, there should be a whole color the sky is filled with, that only becomes a horizon line once you leave atomesphere. Basically, you should be able to see the planet crisply from space and no clouds should cover it and stuff obviously, but you SHOULD be able to see clouds and nothing but blue sky while on the planet. Even planets and moons seen from other planets should be visible but with a haze you would see a planet from if it was in close orbit to earth, a la Elder Scrolls Tamriel.

    The only time this shouldn't be the case obviously is with planets lacking atomesphere. Moon-type biomes and such.

    Off topic, but gas planets with orbital layers maybe should always have the bonus of having multiple small asteroids orbiting them. That way, setting up defensive orbital platforms on the planet lets you expand to use all the small asteroids as several minibases.

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