Kamikaze Commander

Discussion in 'Support!' started by macbernick, June 18, 2013.

  1. macbernick

    macbernick New Member

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    I was peacefully destroying an ennemy base with my artillery, when this player decided to move his commander right in the center of my base. My turrets of course wanted hard to destroy this unwanted traveller, destroying my own base as well in the move.

    Any plan to prevent that ? I'm not sure I will find it fun more than once ^^
  2. nid0

    nid0 New Member

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    Why would there be any plans to prevent that?
  3. macbernick

    macbernick New Member

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    Because I'm not sure this is what the game is about, really. I mean, when you have 2 bases as close neighbours, and the third one attacking on the other side as well, better play heads or tails to get a winner if such things are so easy.

    But it's maybe just me.
  4. jjffjhjf

    jjffjhjf New Member

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    I think because in a multiple player battle, having one guy whose losing say "screw it" and use his commander as a last ditch F*** you to the guy who beat him, just seems kinda crummy.
  5. nid0

    nid0 New Member

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    Possibly - Have you ever played either of TA or SupCom? Both featured very large commander death explosions, this exists intentionally to introduce tactical considerations to a commander, both that having him destroyed in his own base is a "bad thing" and destroying him in yours is also a "bad thing".
  6. nid0

    nid0 New Member

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    This depends on your perspective. PA commanders aren't exactly walking brick walls and can be taken down fairly easy, they also lack the "tricks" of SupCom ACU's in that they cant teleport/shield, if your guy who's "losing":
    1) manages to get said commander into the middle of your base
    2) significantly impacts you to his advantage by its resulting explosion
    Then maybe you weren't beating him as hard as you thought.
  7. tidus1492

    tidus1492 Member

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    I think the player is supposed to lose when their Commander dies but at this point that doesn't happen. This helps prevents early comm rushes and by late game you should be able to kill the commander without losing too much.
  8. macbernick

    macbernick New Member

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    That's not what I'm saying.
    In this particular case, we were three very very close together. Plus the fourth attacking me from north (never figured out where he was). This was really no effort to bring the commander in the middle of my base, with no way for me to prevent it. I'm not talking about changing the way the commander is working now, but, I don't know, give me a way to take it out without destroying it, or at least prevent my tanks and turret to shoot it while it's in my base. You see what I mean ?

    The problem is when you have nothing else to loose than your commander. Sending it explode in the ennemy base just before quiting the game seems unfair to me.
  9. nid0

    nid0 New Member

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    This ability does already exist, units and turrets all have fire orders which can be set to return fire/hold fire to slow down/stop attacks on a commander. This generally wont help much though, even if you choose not to attack someone else's commander they can just suicide it once they get where they want to go.
  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    In assassination this was be kinda silly.

    Otherwise I don't see the problem.
  11. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    I've done it myself generally by accident.. You select a bunch of units and off they waltz but because they were on the other side of the planet everything goes.....had my commander waltz into a base to say hi perhaps ask if they'd want to read the book of uber? and by the time i realised I saw an explosion and just went damn I hope he goes somewhere nice.
  12. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Smart guys never put all of their eggs in one bag. If your enemy's Commander is able to just waltz into your base, the two of you are either way too close or you need moar army.

    Build multiple bases, build big bases, don't put all of your resource stuff in the same spot. Concentrating resources is almost never a good thing to do.
  13. niezlomnypejczyk

    niezlomnypejczyk New Member

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    Since 2 days I have problems with UI. After selected some units, UI just disappears. After this I can only go Kamikaze on my opponent.So this option is not so bad :D

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