Suggestion: Color Coding for Building Icons in Build Hud

Discussion in 'Support!' started by banzaimonkey, June 17, 2013.

  1. banzaimonkey

    banzaimonkey New Member

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    It's hard to see the advanced factories in the build HUD. I think it would be great if they appeared in a different color from the other factories.

    Also, generally it's hard hard to tell what the icons are (and this will probably improve as the art matures) but I think a low-cost easy improvement is simply to color-code them. Something like:

    Yellow for energy / energy storage
    Grey for metal / metal storage
    Navy Blue for Naval
    Light Blue for Air
    Red for Bots
    Dark Red for Vehicles

    This way I could easily parse the advanced factory because I'd see e.g. 2 light blue icons when selecting the construction aircraft.

    Thoughts? Sorry if this is a duplicate, btw. I tried searching the forums before hand but it said search was not available.
  2. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    I can get behind this. Also wondering if hotkeys will be assigned to construction tasks. Like, hit c to select commander, shift-g, hold shift whilst spamming left click to queue up generators like mad!
  3. jjffjhjf

    jjffjhjf New Member

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    Both of those ideas seem extremely useful. I know I'd definitely appreciate color-coded, or at least easily distinguishable icons, and the ability to hot key select various construction items. Would increase micromanagement, but only for those who actually want to use it.
  4. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Good ideas - a couple of points:

    - The UI is likely nowhere near done at this point. They'll probably tinker with that more once they've ironed out the core gameplay.

    - The UI is a Javascript layer hovering above the rest of the game. As such, UI mods will be extremely easy to make and there will be oodles of them once the game gets released.

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