I surch the forum and didnt find anything about the planet weather or difference, eill it be like in starwars empire at war , each planet woul bring bonus or difficultys to units or economy or anythings else or the planet difference will just be in the look the size ?? Hope they will push the idea imagine figthing to control a planet that gives bonus or special unit to your army
By weather i was thinking about only diffenrence in a ice planet and a lava one , will the planet difference would only be an esthetic thing
You mean planet archetypes. Well, lava is planned to damage units that walk over it, but not much other than that I believe. Planets don't being bonus or onus by "owning" them, other than using their weapons, "Doomsday lasers" in the case of Metal planets, or by building World Engines and throwing planets/planetoids/asteroids against other.
I would like to see some "post-processing" weather effects that could be turned on or off honestly. That way people who don't want it can still remove it, but people who like it can be immersed by it. Don't make the weather effect vision or anything necessarily or field of view, just literally a "effect".
Yup, there's plenty of interesting terrain/weather stuff that could be done, from purely graphical stuff like precipitation to unit movement penalties and damage over time. My hopes are in the modders.