naming of a planet

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by kjuston, June 16, 2013.

  1. kjuston

    kjuston New Member

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    Personally. i've been waiting for this game... for a very very long time. total annihilation was the first game I ever played. My father showed me gaming. at the age of 3 and i won’t ever forget him. He ended up taking his own life when i was 5. since then i have always been a gamer, im 19 i brought the cosmic addition for 200$ of the game to name a planet. "Niloc PIR" backwards it’s my father’s name.. I hope this game becomes a E-Sport so i can make my father be professional in his favorite game. Thank you if you've taken the time to read this.

    i posted this twice, so i hope people can read this. i feel really passionate about this game. thank you.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  2. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    Very sorry to hear about your father.....

    Hope you're really enjoying PA! As you said your dad introduced you to games so I'm sure he would have loved PA also.

    Hang in there man.

  3. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Sorry to hear about your dad.

    On the topic of picking a name for a planet....

    I have been toying around with naming one: 'Your Mother' and the other 'Nowhere'

    - What planets are you on?
    - I'm on Your Mother and I'm Nowhere.
  4. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    Sorry to break it to you tontow but I believe some people might find the "Your Mother" idea offensive ;)

    I'm pretty sure the Devs will have something in place so that all names are reviewed and approved....actually I think they did that for the Kickstarter planet names if I remember correctly. Others please feel free to correct me as I'm frequently wrong :D. It's a curse I know.....


  5. Genera1Failure

    Genera1Failure Member

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  6. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Who is gonna name a planet bacon?
    I'm not at that tier level cos I would have
  7. kjuston

    kjuston New Member

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    i thought cosmic addition could name planets. which was 200$
  8. Sonic4Spuds

    Sonic4Spuds New Member

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    Cosmic Limited Edition, and I believe Digital Edition can name a planet also.
  9. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    If I can crash a planet into another planet, then "Leeroy Jenkins!" is also a possibility.
  10. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    Nice! :)
  11. hmstryx

    hmstryx New Member

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    Indeed. I was just looking for the "planet naming info" here. Any sources?

    I bought cosmic addition to help remember my son (missing 12 years, in violation of a court order, bitter dispute in extortion act in U.S. Court fraud now mired in Federal litigation).

    I would like to know more about the plans for naming planets ASAP. I know it's just alpha, but given my lifespan and health, I hope they get it done soon. And that they don't make it a "change xyz file" to create planet names (because that's sort of not cool for cosmic buyers).
  12. hmstryx

    hmstryx New Member

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    Not to be a lawyer (though I have dealt with that for about 20 years now in business), but here is the text on the site at time of purchase:

    "Planetary Naming
    You'll be able to provide two names that will be used to generate planet names in game, that everyone can see. Forever make a mark on the galaxy of Planetary Annihilation. "

    The terms "two names that will be used" and "that everyone can see." is very clear promise of provision and guarantee of use of both items specified. The promise goes on to say "Forever" which in legal terms of sale, is a perpetuity guarantee of use of at least one name (singular "mark") in offer of solicitation. Potentially both by context as this is the full text of the feature description upon the site: ... desc_names

    My company saw this as a good opportunity to provide a subtle injection of our (registered) mark, and a way to provide a gift to my son (missing 12 years in a child taking in violation of a court order, amid violence and threats spanning 4 countries). I would hate to think the conditions of offer were now mitigated by my commercial role, standing (registration to deny corporate ownership of a mark or license thereto), or other conditions that could be legally awkward without a pair of $200/hr goons in the room to assure both parties no harm or "bad faith" is intended in genuine fandom.

    My background is intellectual property and IP protection, libel, free speech (Constitutional State and Federal issues), and civil rights publications. So I may be a little ahead on this and have some experience. But in general, I hoped a simple registry system (like our Planetside 2 backer support for user names) would be in order upon public offer. I'm kind of shocked nothing is in place, and reports of the sale are even "sketchy" about the number or use of names in various offers this late in funding terms.

    I appreciate the desire to keep corporations and big-brands out of a kickstarter IP area, but by placing the offer in plain view without terms of service, we seem to have jumped the gun and left the door open for multiple interests (children's names, products, people who don't want to be planets getting blown up regularly, etc). Having my share of abuse (stalkers, like replicators they are) in my own work and writing (1997-2013 for GW 40K projects and games), the parody defense is wearing thin for a lot of people, and genuine registration management remains weak (claims on use and derivitive works) a necessary part of any offer of sale or security or contribution-for-service offer. This is why we (my firm) stay away from kickstarter-like projects. Because having knowledge of "The Blue Sky Laws" and similar terms, as a securities-based entity, any offer of rights (shares or trade value) are quickly regulated above $2 million USD despite the nature of the credit or exchange (State Of Oklahoma, Securities Commission of 2007).

    We actually had one "crew" try to steal and sell our product for $250,000 last year in a child abduction/extortion case, and register 3 domains to defame the father to justify concealing the child. Therefore, naming a planet after this kid for his dad is very important to us, and a way to put something up that people get to enjoy without violating his privacy too much in the process during the recovery efforts.

    Certainly (statistically) a lot of parents will go through that, and naming their planets after children in contested (or ugly) separations will be a fact of life PA may need to prepare for, just as it would corporate branding (to which I say - limit 1 cosmic per company, and be done with it). As a linguist, there are also terms and methods to keep obvious names from the pool (Pepsi / Wrangler / etc) while letting more esoteric names in. In the end, any name (even a person, like "Peter Norton" or "Donald Trump") is a potential brand name, and use (or attacks upon) that brand a very real mitigation issue for policy in the perk. Meme and Warez names also, should be banned, unless we want to ruin the look-and-feel like Eve Online did, and so many other games.

    How many applicants bought cosmic would be a good way to narrow it down, but while sales are open still (and they are) I don't think that should be disclosed. For our part, the cost for naming a landmark in a virtual world was an obvious value, until it was alleged that this offer (not specified on the website as such) be exclusive of commercial or registered rights. While this may be a "" website tradition, for those purchasing at - no such condition was previously disclosed. I would hate to feel this policy is the "pig in a poke" response to the question, after the fact, and something more sophisticated already in the works (with appropriate staffer to help with that).

    The money to do it right is clearly there ($9 million USD). Why not the clarity? Or would it be better to wait, talk, and let the issue get hammered out carefully, rather than a "majority rule" vote or similar peer pressure decision making policy of so many failed projects and free-to-play ventures of late?
  13. hmstryx

    hmstryx New Member

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    Back after long distraction. Whatever uberent does, can't be as weird as MWOnline right now. More on that after Public Launch (soon). I have confidence this will be talked about ==after== the game engine is stable, not now. (Robert's rules of order, tabled, and done until next we meet).

    I really am looking forward to PA. MWO has been, odd. Wasteland 2 is coming, but... I feel something is missing that PA could afford long term given their guidance.
  14. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    Hmstryx: I'm not an uber employee, but maybe pming neutrino and garat will get you further than this thread.

    Iirc, it has been said on here multiple times that uber reserves the right to nix any name they receive.
  15. sab0t

    sab0t Member

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    i genuinely hope any attempts to "game" or otherwise take advantage of the planetary naming, however dubious and noble it is painted, gets completely shut down and tossed out. this is a fantastic way of allowing the community to indirectly be a part of the game's development, and i'm looking forward to enjoying a plethora of creativity and ingenuity in names, unspoiled by hidden agendas and shills.
  16. mrknowie

    mrknowie Member

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    I think some of the names are in; if you create a system, edit the planet, there is a "random" button near the name. It randomly names the planet out of a set. Not sure if all the names are in (I spent an embarrassingly long time clicking that button, and never saw mine [Seneca, named after the guy in my sig]).
  17. sab0t

    sab0t Member

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    hrmm...i had created a thread right after i posted here asking if any backer bonuses had started yet and only received one response in the are telling me quite the opposite. Where/when/how did you submit your planet names? I'd really appreciate knowing, I really don't want to miss the boat on this!

    If anyone else could chime in a bit of info as to what the status is on planetary naming i would really appreciate it as well.
  18. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    The planet names currently being used aren't the full list provided by the backers, but some of the last ones to be submitted (Cosmic Edition purchasers, I think). I think that info came from Neutrino in another post,
    many months ago (or it may have been mentioned in a livestream).

    Backers entitled to name planets will get emails to clarify final names, long before they're put into the game.

    You're not missing out on anything yet.
  19. sab0t

    sab0t Member

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    cool, thanks Ringworm. appreciate the settling of my nerves a bit :]
  20. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    no problem. Haven't watched the latest livestream yet, but I also believed Neutrino said something
    along the lines of "You won't miss anything when we make announcements about goodies" (paraphrased etc).

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