Give us a counter to grapple

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Litego, December 30, 2010.

  1. jack-novius

    jack-novius Member

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    Here is your counter to grapple.


    Don't get close unless you're going for a grapple.

    Hear an Assassin?

    Assault, fly.
    Gunner and Tank, jump jets.
    Sniper, jump and well placed ice traps.
    Support, keep your face to the enemy.
    Assassin, smoke bomb jump and cloak or run away till you see them.
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    about the whole jumping subject, people say it works, it does NOT work as well as everyone is saying, when you have any sort of lag it does nothing, its not something that is a instant answer to the grapple if you have good connection it will fairly well, if not, there's no difference
  3. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    That's what ice traps are for.
  4. zar

    zar Member

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    I also find when you as the Assassin jump around and slash, it often confuses people who try and do say a slam or charge or grapple of their own. Being unpredictable as her is the key to surviving other Pros - especially other Assassins, who try to just grapple you over and over.
  5. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    If they're going to change the game based on lag, there's a million things that need "fixing". I'm not sure how they would fix running around a corner only to realise I was already headshot a quarter of a second ago, or racing someone to the annihilator button and win, but realise the other guy has already hit the button.
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    did i say to change it? no.......jesus im saying it doesn't work as well as everyone says its does.
  7. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    Get Gold/Silver health and face the assassin, then counter her grapple (if she does get you as you jump) with your own/kill her/whatever.
    Everyone can survive face-grapples.

    Unable to properly detect Assassins and react accordingly?

    Assassins are fine with their backstabs.
  8. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I call BS. Only a "PIN" (Player-In-Training) makes those mistakes. Assassins who have a LITTLE experience knows that katana/dagger dashing over the mines, slashing first and then grapple one hit kills every time on snipers. Since Ice Traps are nullified from the dash even if they are triggered, ice traps are useless. Place Ice Traps further away you say? Well surprisingly that doesn't work either as that dash is insanely long ranged...

    Fine if you can't prevent backstabs, but face stabs should be able to be countered.

    I feel like mentioning that jumping doesn't work as well as everyone makes it sound... Lag makes sure of that.

    EDIT x2:
    I also feel like mentioning being grappled in the air while facing the assassin counts as a backstab. Due to lag most likely.
  9. kona

    kona New Member

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    Not only assassins have the ability to grapple and sniper's bullets aren't hitscan so I don't see how that is broken.
  10. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    Assassin isn't the only class capable of OHKO's. Ringouts via charges, knockbacks, grapples etc. are a common occurance. Airstrikes can OHKO multiple people at once. Snipers can headshot as much as they want to, and let's face it, it's not hard to hit a big target like gunner or tank. This isn't GA where you have to land 3 consecutive shots on a recon flying with bionics, or for the non-GA players, a crossbreed of a ninja and Usain Bolt.

    So basically yeah, OHKO's are here to stay. They weren't a part of Global Agenda, but they are a part of MNC. Sure, it may be frustrating to get back-grappled again and again, but eventually you'll learn to avoid all but the best assassins. Cloak does NOT make an assassin fully invisible. Theoretically, a player can ALWAYS turn to face the assassin in time, unless scoped. Snipers shouldn't be scoped in the open anyway, atleast without traps behind them. Lunge-grapple is the only way to get to grappling distance without a chance for the enemy to react, and even that can be countered via erratic movement and bunnyhopping/jetting.

    There should not be a way to "counter" the only way an assassin can reliably score kills. Shuriken launcher is vastly inferior to the "real" ranged weapons, sword and lunge without grappling open the assassin for death blossoms, charges, grapples and whatnot. If your opponent does manage to live through your grapple and knows what he's doing, you're most likely screwed. Some of the devs said that there was a time when the assassins basic melee was a lot more powerful, and that it was even more frustrating. Right now, assassins can occasionally land a kill with a back-grapple, which has a cooldown. Back then, they were tornadoes of steel and death.

    Sorry if I sounded offensive, I often get carried away when typing replies to posts I disagree with :?
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Yes, they are. And grappling a Sniper with a Gunner won't work unless the Sniper is extremely careless.
  12. kona

    kona New Member

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    Your point being?
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I like how you removed the link in the quote that shows that you don't know how the engine actually works.
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Really? You hate it that much? How does them going right up to you and presenting themself as a target annoy you? Would you rather get picked off from across the map over and over where you have almost no chance of killing, while the Assassin.. i mean all you have to do is turn around.. shoot, you win. Theres no EASIER class to kill than the Assassin.

    Try playing as the Assassin without grapple, i doubt you'll get over 5 kills every match.
    If you get a counter for Grapple.. they should make a counter to dis-arm the mini-gun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Jet Gun, etc. You would think that ability is cheap. and Yet you think a counter to grapple isn't cheap. -_-
  15. nickeboy

    nickeboy New Member

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    My wall of text on page 5 got ignored :(
  16. kona

    kona New Member

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    I removed it because it was not relevant to what I was replying to. Good job.
  17. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Grapples can be annoying but so can being sniped, being knocked back by a charge, being blown off the stage by a bomb...

    If you play as a gunner you have some of the best anti grapples available, you can float, slam, grapple back or spray your minigun for high damage output if you can see them.

    Tanks can jump, charge which works well and is strong or set the foe on fire, might not be the better class to avoid grapple but you also have a lot of health and most of the time will survive if using an armour endorcement.

    Assault can fly, jump high, charge & grapple back and they are good movers.

    Snipers have ice traps, if that fails they have a strong grapple move of their own if they can get it in first, if in doubt run away instead of fighting, keep moving while jumping to be a hard target.

    Assassins can superjump out of the way, can stun with a smoke bomb, can cloak and run off or even grapple back.

    Support has the strongest point blank weapon in the game, if you are an attacking support and get grappled then it's your own fault for charging in, if you can hang back and keep near your bots, turrets and firebase you should be fine and not worth grappling.
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Woah! My mind is blown. I could have sworn I heard a Dev say the Sniper rifle wasn't hit scan. Maybe due to the mayhem in the party I misunderstood what he said/meant.

    "All of our bullet weapons are 'hitscan' weapons. (Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Rail Gun, Minigun, SMG)" Mind = blown with that info.
  19. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Man there are a lot of snipers complaining in this thread.

    "I should be an unstoppable killing machine that just sits on a bridge in an ice trap and is free to line up head shots all game. The assassin's grapple kills me as easily as my head shot kills all the other classes in the game, nerf grapple please!"
  20. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    That made me chuckle and actually made me read it in the sniper's voice. Anyway, he does have to havedifficulties facing his opponents. Otherwise, it wouldn't be any challenge would it?

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