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Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by garat, June 15, 2013.

  1. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    If you come here to post to just obviously troll or flamebait, you will be banned, your post will be deleted, and you will get exactly zero community response.

    Your feedback is welcome. Somewhere else.
  2. veta

    veta Active Member

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    much obliged
  3. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    Hey , can I be the first one who try's out your new implemented ban-feature.
    Im not sure if the sentences im going to write now are enough to ban me, I for my self find them rather funny than insulting but see for your self and remember:

    Its not about the messenger its about the message.Users will get banned other users will come up. Different user same message.

    So lets start:

    At first there was success, great success, with the success came the greed for getting more success.Greed turned in disappointed users.Mistakes have been made. The Arrogant part of the fanbase is acting as a catalytic converter, turning more and more of the internets against there beloved product. In their fanboy anger they start blindly attacking other platforms like steam, team liquid and reddit and other platforms are attacking them.Posts they have done where linked to those sides.

    This is the story of an innovative developmentcompany who struggles for finding the right way of gratifying custumors and their financial and autonomic needs at the same time.

    Will they turn on the darkside like EA did or stay on the right path.
    Will there be more funny posts from neutrino in forums like reddit.
    Is this guy antille a fake account, created by the developers for annoying disliked customers.
    And what will the finished pa product look like.

    Stay tuned for more.Now Live on whole next 6 month.
    Don't miss it.

    And join all to the reopening party of the planetary anhilation metacritics site on releasedate.Who will win the great battle of metacritics.Fans vs The Internets.
  4. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    Greed? What greed?

    What is wrong with neutrino?

    And, while antille (I thought his name was 'antillie'?) is a bit rude at times, he's just a user like you and I, right?

    I'll just ignore your actual message, because you're clearly biased.
  5. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    The greed for getting more succsess , im not talking about money.
    He can spell himself however he wants, as long as he makes funny comments i will stay a fan of his arrogant behavior.No offence antille/antillie stay excactly the way you are.
    I have nothing against neutrino he is funny!
    Of cause im biased. I dont understand why you feel the need to even mention that .
    Every one has his likes and dislikes whe are no machines.

    But thats all not the point. The point is that i want to get baned so plz ban me.
  6. veta

    veta Active Member

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  7. garibaldi5

    garibaldi5 New Member

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    I knew that already but thanks for the tip anyways.When i feel the need to do both then i will :lol:
    I dont see myself as en e-martyr, i just want to have fun, thats all.
    Do you have also fun somethimes, your comments feel abit stressed sometimes. :D
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    There, bane'd. Happy now?
  9. isayhelloagain

    isayhelloagain New Member

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    Yes im happy now. Thx for baning me. :D
  10. ToastAndEggs

    ToastAndEggs Member

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  11. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Perhaps you don't understand trolling or flamebait (thank goodness), but your post - even it is predicated by a plethora of flawed assumptions - is a perfectly fine post. We have not problem with people criticizing or even disagreeing with our reasons. But if people question our motives or our integrity, yes, it gets frustrating beyond belief. I understand people are upset that they feel like they are entitled to get access to alphas or betas because "that's how it's always been done". This project is not how games have always been done. Or have ever been done, possibly.

    Disagree with the decision, that's great. We welcome the discourse. But question that we are honest when we provide reasons, and we will just ignore you because you are then a troll.

    Thanks for not being a troll. :)
  12. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    BTW.. banning obvious trolls is hardly new policy. ;-) So this is hardly a new policy, just a reminder who come here because they feel the need to express their outrage with the verbal ability of an angry child, instead of try and engage in real discussion.
  13. isayhelloagain

    isayhelloagain New Member

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    Trust me i understand the concept of trolling and flamebait.
    If anyone understands it, than me.
    I was curious if you understand the difference between trolling and disagreeing with others opinions.
    So you do, but your Global Moderator did not.

    Tell me for what reason did he ban me than.

    For the sentence:
    "But thats all not the point. The point is that i want to get baned so plz ban me."

    I disagree with your decisions.So i have a few questions.

    Do you agree or disagree with the following assumptions ?

    1.Alpha-tests are a win-win situation between players and developers.
    -The player gets to play an early version of the game for a short amount of time.
    -The developer gets feedback , bugreports and serverstability tests on a larger scale.

    2. The player should not pay money for the participation on alpha tests at all.
    He pays the developer already by giving feedback and hinting bugs.

    3.Should every planetary anhilation fan and potential customer be able to participate on the alpha,no matter if he can afford it financially to pay 90 $ for the deluxe edition or is not as rich to do that?

    3. If your finished game will cost 50 $ and you charge 90 $ for the alpha version + the finished game,than the alpha costs 40$ . So why should i pay you nearly the price of the full game additional, for an very unfinished version of the game, if i even test your game and give you priceless feedback and bugreports and the ability to do serverstabilitytests on a greater scale.

    Are these things nothing worth for you ?

    Are you really selling an alpha tester this kind of testing which he does for you as something like: "You have the unique opportunity to influence the development of this game in his early stages and that should be worth easy 40$ for you!" ???

    4. Steam is not Kickstarter.
    No matter what forummembers of this forum say about steam,steam has done much for pc-gaming in general.If forummembers of this forum start to talk about the steam user in general in such a negative way, than you or your Global Moderator should take action.
    You profit so much from the steam users which buy your game for this price of 90$.So the least you should do is, start regulating the talk of people which don't stop making fun of steam in your own forum.

    Steam was always the archetype of affordable pc gaming. Do you really wonder that many users of steam react in this way, when you put something with this pricing on steam. You could have waited till the beta or the finished game and than put one of those two options on steam, but you did not because you want to maximize your profit and you don't care that this kind of pricing could hurt the image of steam. So deal with the negativity of the users. You have created it all by your self.
  14. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    The moderator did not ban you, he made a joke about banning you.

    Maybe if you actually read the words, instead of already being in an "I'm right, you are wrong, and nothing you say can make any difference" mindset, those of us who are really interested in seeing this game built would not have to keep reading endless drivel from other people who expect something for nothing.

    As has been said many times by other forumites, if you don't like the way Uber has set up it's stall, vote with your money, by shutting up, waiting until the full game is released, and buying at the full price. Simples.

    That way, the rest of us can do what we want to do, by helping build a completely unique game, being designed with input from fans in a completely unique way, by developers who are .... erm...., completely unique.

    The venture into Steam was partially down to users wanting Uber to make the game available by that route. It isn't/wasn't a way for Uber to maximise sales. Make no mistake, when this game is fully released, it will have millions of players.

    I paid for Alpha access, and I wasn't arm-twisted into it. It was MY decision. I don't need others to tell me how to make my decisions, or to question them.

    Why don't you make YOUR decision? To buy Alpha via Steam for $90 or not. What's the problem? Too many choices for you?
  15. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I hate when I have to explain a joke...


    This dude is called Bane. I posted a picture of 'Bane', I bane'd you.

    It was a play on words on your misspelling of 'banned'.

    I shall now go and drown myself in coffee until the pain goes away...

    PS: Nochmal in deiner Muttersprache: Es war ein Wortspiel, ein Witz.
  16. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    All of your arguments/questions are invalid because the price is based off of Kickstarter.

    If the alpha was available for 30 dollars on Kickstarter, then it would have been 30 on Steam as well. Simple as that.

    Kickstarter determined the price and Uber was awesome not to screw over 40k people who financed the game.

    If you had no choice but to piss off someone, what would be the better choice, piss off 40k random steam users or piss off 40k backers who already spent the money and actually are the only reason the game is existing?
  17. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    This, by the way, was what I meant by saying you're biased, garibaldi (and yes, everyone is biased, but you get what I mean).

    Excellent post though, ringworm.
  18. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    Why thank you nlspeed911.

    My first conmpliment here...

    Look forward to letting you kill me in the future...
  19. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    Oh, don't worry. For one, I'm quite sure you're better than I am (I'm way too turtle'ish). Secondly, I don't have the game, and I'm unsure if my PC would be able to handle it. Come back in half a decade (unless I suddenly win the lottery :p).

    But you're a friendly guy (or girl)! :)
  20. Ringworm

    Ringworm Active Member

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    Heh, I'm VERY turtleish (they used to call it porcing when I was a lad)
    I've been playing Total Annihilation since 1997, and still get crushed.
    I'm neither a guy or a girl, I'm a parasitic worm.....
    Ask Santa to buy you a new PC for christmas.
    If he does, I might even gift you a key to play.

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