Hello Uber, I just wanna say: I love you! Thank you for the moments you share with us, the information you provide to us! Thank you for the free speech and the honesty! I like the way you treat the community. And I am happy to see some real people behind this game! Thank you!
Agreed, Uber are doing an amazing job! The amount of communication is great and it really makes us feel like we are involved Also the community here is great. Just looking around the forums you can see the amount of support in the fans. This game is going to be epic for there is an insane amount of love going into it to make this the best possible game it can be!
Uber are among the gods on the olympus of gaming along with Gaben and CD Project. You are great, keep it up.
I just read that article on Polygon about what you guys had to go through just to make a game that you wanted (MNC). Because you're so awesome I've extended an offer to several people in my online community that if they buy the Warfare edition from the Uber store, I'll bump them up to Galactic out of my own pocket. That's resulted in a fair few people buying PA already. Carry on being awesome!
Yay, another we love you Uber thread, I cannot stress this point enough. Uber you are doing a great job so thus far.
Thanks everyone, we really appreciate the sentiments. There is nothing to motivate like 50000 people wanting you to get your game finished!
Uber is most assuredly one of my all-time favorite developers. Right up there with Valve. Haven't played a single game of theirs that I haven't loved to death. Never had a reason to doubt or not trust them.
Keep up the good work! I cant complain as a backer and i cant even play yet but what i saw in several alphastreams looks really good for a buggy pile and crashing real alpha You did a good work in keeping us informed in your progress before the alpha, it was really nice to see some of the techstuff So a BIG thank you from me, for all you have done so far and will be doing to get our dream become real
When people ask what I do I've gotten away from saying I make games. Why? Because the next question is always, "Did you work on Call of Duty?"
Ha! Well keep working hard and follow that dream, Neutrino. You'll make it to the Bigs one day. One day ...
You silly. Hes already in the 'Bigs' with this amazing project. Keep up the great work uber. PS: I am playing your game when I should be studying for exams. :lol:
well done Uber may you go down in the Hall of Fame and the greatest game of all time again, may the sun always me shining on your face and showers of mushroom clouds go before you clearing all obstructions in your way :mrgreen: