I think it was just a mistake on their end for using a wrong release date. They did correct it, PA is now scheduled for a release in ~180 days.
I do not know if this is because of me, but it feels a little bit like it: On metacritic it said the release date info is taken from gamefaqs.com. So I went there and checked. To my suprise there was an email of the guy that put up all the PA info there. I wrote him an email yesterday to make him aware of the wrong release date and what it is causing. And today PA's release date is fixed on metacritric and also on gamefaqs I know it was probably not me, but I can make myself believe it.
I wrote a mail directly to metacritic. Didnt get a reply, but they did do exactly what I asked them do to. So you're not alone
Fantastic. The metactritic page is indeed empty of all that previous nonsense. Thanks to those who took time to write to them.
Well, one way or another it seems to have been removed from the steam store. The page still exists if you directly link to it, as well as the community, but it has been removed from the store search engine. Personally I do think that listing it on steam for any sort of pre-order was a mistake at this stage. The steam community is not behind this 100% like these forums are. They are volatile and coarse when it comes to early-access games. A lot of the threads I saw were saying garbage like "It is a scamstarter" and stuff, and I was trying to respond and point people to the youtube videos that are already up, but it was to no avail. Oh well, it does not hurt me, I just hope that it was not bad press in the wrong places for the sake of Uber's Planetary Annihilation department.
People on the Steam forum where saying how they won because it was down to 7th top seller and there where more threads complaining about the price than defending it... It's still 4th top seller and the people that'd defend the price are all on the actual Uber forums hah.
It's still in the topsellers, it's still on the frontpage, but a search for Planetary Annihilation indeed only yields 2 trailers as a result. Those trailers link the game, but the game itself is indeed not found by the search. I never searched for it before, so I have no idea if this changed or was always like this. It seems odd, however.
All early access games are excluded from the search, it will only list released games. Which is strange if you consider that early access games show up in any other few, but I assume thats a recently introduced bug as I was able to search for Planetary Annihilation when it WASN'T launched yet.
I don't really understand all of the hate that is being projected by the Steam community. I just purchased the $90 access on steam but I didn't do so until I had researched the game and the studio behind it. I'm glad steam featured it otherwise I would have never heard about it. I was a huge SupCom fan and after reading up on the game and the team behind it, I was more than happy to fork over $90. Yes it is priced well above the typical going rate for games and its nowhere near completion but at the same time the description clearly informs you that this is for Alpha access and it matches the Kickstarter amount. I made the decision because I wanted to support the team and continue to see strategy games on this scale being made. Anywho, sorry for my ramble and I apologize for any grammatical issues as I did type this on my phone. I look forward to testing the game and making done good friends in the community.
Same. The problem with what I call the "Steam pubbie issue" is that many of the people on steam that take the time to post in the community hubs do not really spend that much time in actual game forums. At the very least, the ones for the PA community hub seemed to suffer from this problem, because a lot of the things they were saying or asking were answered with a brief 5 minute search on the internet, largely ending up at these forums. I wish we had more people like you speaking reason in the steam community for PA. But alas I think it is too late.
*sigh* You know, I've been part of Steam for a while now, and I would have never expected the kind of response that has been given. It's truly a shame. I'm trying my best to defend the game on Steam, but it's difficult to fight the Hive-mind.