Increase costs for juice?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by SvartfaR, January 4, 2011.


Increase costs for juice?

  1. I don't like juice, ban it and live unhealthy!

    2 vote(s)
  2. 500 is okay, I like to kick asses and need the vitamins!

    18 vote(s)
  3. 750 let me take a little break and would make the game more interesting.

    10 vote(s)
  4. 1000, I'm always rich and can afford me.

    7 vote(s)
  1. SvartfaR

    SvartfaR Member

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    I like servers were you can buy juice, but there is one problem:

    Experienced players can buy juice for 500 and attack the enemies base. It isn't hard to get new 500 with juice, so you can immediately re buy it. On maps where you can buy juice in the middle often only one station has the cool down, so it works perfectly and it's the win for the team where one or more player doing this tactic.

    I think increasing the price would help out. In my opinion 750 should be a good value.

    What do you think? (You can re-vote.)
  2. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    *looks at hole cards*

    Okay, I re-raise!

    Thing is this: Once turrets are fine and you have your skills, there's only three uses for cash after a while: Ejectors, which unless it's Grenade III isn't used that often late, Annihiliator, which is used every 3 minutes, and juice, which can be used every minute x2.

    So what do server hosts do? DISABLE JUICE!!! ALL JUICE IS BAAAAD!!! Why? Because if you buy juice mid-game, you can dominate their base. However, is juice is costly, and you can gain juice before buying it, making it's value less the more you push lanes, then you should be allowed to because A) it's coming at a price and B) it punishes bad teams for allowing enemy players to have a fine base of turrets and not wrecking that ****.

    Base not attacked = No turret drain.

    Is juice enabled? If no, then you've got a **** ton of money to spend and nothing to spend it on, something like $2k at the end of a long match.

    And the ironic part? In overtime you don't need to buy juice - You get Spunky endorsement and Total Recoil (Half juice and RoF), so all you have to do is walk up to an enemy jackbot (which they spawn like crazy), empty half a clip and done, you got juice!

    So disabling juice to prevent an OT juice 'n' go steamroll is completely ineffective. In fact, ENABLING juice buying actually helps prevents this by allowing someone to pay the price, to get a stalemate breaker and then has to safely move as close to the enemy as possible before using it and making sure they don't die prematurely.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually you could just melee it 3/4 times to have full juice during OT.

    Also during OT everyone has bacon and with bacon you get all 10 endorsements at the gold level.
  4. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I think it should increase in cost every time you buy it. 500 - 750 -1000 etc.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Mikey, you forgot about buying bots

    I think the juice price will be fine eventually. Right now it's kind of a problem because you often have a large gap between the best 1 or 2 players in the game and everyone else. Those 1 or 2 better players get significantly more money than everyone else, and can pretty much chain juice like you said. When more people get a hang of the game and skill levels even out a bit more, the average players will have more money while the better players have less (lol socialism). Then everyone will be able to afford some juice, but not infinite, and the timers on the juice machines will start to have more effect as people learn to actually use them.
  6. Sodapopinski

    Sodapopinski New Member

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    I agree with this wholeheartedly. I've been the "1 or 2 players with significantly more money" more times than I can count, sometimes $3000+ more. Running chain juice is utterly skillless and rage inducing for the other team, the server often clears out afterwards. Going 50 kills 0 deaths and having even 50% of the kills being from juice spamming is absurd.

    Run in with first juice, destroy turrets and get a few kills. Go buy juice and come back for pure kills, the kill chain nets you enough to buy another juice. By this time their moneyball has likely dropped. Go in for kills again and damage moneyball with whatever is leftover, again enough for a juice. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

    I'm of the thought that there should only be one juice buying platform and/OR that the price should be incremental(for just the one person buying). If the cost was up to $1000+ people may be more inclined to spend it on turrets/bots, rather than deciding to just run a noskillnothoughtstomptrain on the other team.

    People will get better at the game and figure out how to teamwork down some turrets and push on the enemy base. Or should people be able to fell swoop the whole place repeatedly(turrets and pros)?
  7. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    I think too all maps should only have one juice platform, in the middle of the map next to the annihilator like it is on most maps is perfect, it creates a strategical point that is usually easy enough to keep an eye on and which gets fun fights.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I like using the juice station in the enemy base on spunky arena
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    GrenADE III arena used to have 4 juice stations.
  10. SvartfaR

    SvartfaR Member

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    Thought about this, too. But then the better solution is one station in every base, because in most matches you have one team pushing and the other is playing defensively. Most because of uneven teams. I have to agree with you, when a lot of matches would be very even, but mostly only one team uses the annihilator and juice stations in the middle.

    Don't miss understand me. At the beginning I'd liked it such it is right now and it was great fun to hit the annihilator every time and after a while buying juice after juice. But this is ruining the game. How much kiddies are leaving the game because of get pushed in the first minute? And then you are 4 - 6, you try your best but you will be overrun. But hey, juice will make it faster in this case. I don't know if a lot of people don't know about the annihilator and/or juice and the meaning of it. On the other side it is positive to have a game which needs a tactic and teamwork to be successfully. But it seems that a lot of people don't know what their are doing, and this is frustrating those players like us. We have to tell them to fight for the annihilator and juice-stations, too. These are the strategic key points to win a match. Maybe it would help when Uber would add this in the Pro-Tips, so it would help to make public games more fun and interesting.
  11. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    This is an interesting idea!

    Juice machines (or their cost) are a big problem atm indeed. I often find myself with 3k$ at the middle of the game, so I can just buy juice, make a pro/turrets killing spree, go back to juice machine, and repeat. Which is not really fun... :-/

    Not to mention that this type of rush can easily make me 400$ or more
  12. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    Aren't you theoretically able to earn more money than the cost of the juice by spamming taunt? I've never tried it, but you'd only need to taunt 3 times which seems pretty doable with some classes who have really short ones.
  13. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    ^ No, that's a bad idea to do. If you taunt, you are effectively doing nothing other than being a big fat target. It's best if you do this early/mid game and are behind cover when you killed a pro.

    that'll net you 50. but if you do it straight afterwards, it seems you can net 100 that way, but that one relies on the situation. I'm not sure if that 100 is true though.

    You can get alot of money taunting when you're juiced, but yo ueffectively lose your juice if you taunt. And juice is usually something that's in the mid/late game. it's not really that viable, and again, you're just wasting your juice.
  14. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    You can *just get two Taunts off, if you're quick.
  15. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    My theory was that you bought juice, taunted 3-4 times with your secondary weapon (if possible, I'm not going to argue if it's not) for 6-800 , buy more juice, repeat. Even if you get nothing else done during those few seconds, walking away with a $300 profit is still pretty substantial, especially early game.

    As far as I know it's $50-100 to taunt after a regular kill, $200 while juiced (regardless of a kill or not), and $300 after a kill while juiced.
  16. Kuga

    Kuga New Member

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    I'd like:
    1.More ways to productively spend money in the later game.
    2.Incremental Juice price or higher flat price ($1000)
    3.Lower prices on defenses or increased durability against juiced players. Not so much that it eliminates the purpose of juice (preventing stalemates before overtime), but enough that investing in defenses without a support is viable. Don't care if it's somewhat lower upgrade prices or decreased damage.
  17. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    There should be 1 min cooldown on the juice vendor so players on both teams who want to buy juice can fight over it.
  18. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I can't think about this game without juice....Not because I'm a juice whore or anything :oops:

    but.. it just be weird. When I play support, defensive of offensive, I'm always checking my juice. It's one of the things that keep me spaming that heal. Heal, heal, heal, shotty something, get a kill, check juice, throw firebase, heal, heal, heal, run away, heal turrets, all to get that juice for the uber shotty.

    I dunno. IMO MNC needs juice.

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