As an Alpha backer, do I get a steam key now? If so, where? Or will I have to wait further down the production line for my key to work via steam? I apologize if this has been asked before, or if I missed an obvious FAQ or something.
yep me too, just got my alpha key today, but want to activate it understeam, does that mean if i activate it now i can't add it to steam later ??
Like when the full game hits steam? Or the Alpha? I thought I read the Steam alpha was already going.
It's my understanding that once the early access steam alpha version is ready, Uber will release a 'key conversion tool' for current Alpha users to create the appropriate key to plug in to steam. The details of this process haven't been released, but I have faith that they'll let us know when it's available and make it easy to find & use =)
Just out of curiosity, would like to know if this is for now or later. Not really a big concern considering I already have it from the email stuff - just thinking it would be kinda funny to make some people I know through steam jealous every time I get on to play it.
Haha -- That's partially why I'm planing to convert my key to Steam as well. I want to advertise to my friends
This as well. Hopefully they'll come to get a sense of what the game is like instead of going to the Steam forums and watching the negative-echo chamber in there.