I don't know what to feel about the current controversy

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sepoquro, June 14, 2013.

  1. sepoquro

    sepoquro New Member

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    I feel bad for Uber because I think they are working really hard on this game and trying to live up to the fans' expectations, but on the other hand I feel like their pricing is messed up (especially as I pointed out in another thread, PA costs only $38 in the Russian Steam). And really, I think some of the people criticizing the game have a point. Why would you sell a game's alpha for $90? Usually games like this are cheaper earlier on in development. For example, Arma III is $30 in alpha, $45 in beta, and $60 at release (or something like that). I think it is fine to charge people for extra perks that indicate their early support in the game, or if you allow people to just pay for things with no actual value like having their name in the credits and things like that. But when you make people pay extra to play the game early people get upset because they feel like they are paying to help you develop the game by testing it.
  2. noaveragejoe

    noaveragejoe Member

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    I feel a bit randy about it all ^.^

    To be honest it has been said before and you hear it again and again..

    Its not just the alpha. Its the kickstarter goodies alpha/beta/retail release of the game and its all optional. This is all terribly misunderstood...

    I will stop there someone will be along to pick up were i left off.

  3. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    But you will pay 90$ for Alpha, Beta and the game key, 60$ for Beta and the game key and 40$ (or something like that) for the game key. If I have understood correctly.
  4. hikarum

    hikarum New Member

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    If you're talking about ArmA3, that's flat out untrue.
    Full A3 Alpha access gives full beta and full release access as well for 30$ total.
  5. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    No, I am talking about PA.
    But thank you for the interesting information.
  6. hikarum

    hikarum New Member

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    Ok, makes sense then :p
    One thing I think that might come of this entire "controversy": Steam might actually eventually be forced to change their policy/coding in regards to "tiered release dates & prices" (which would, in my opinion, be amazing)

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