Hey, i just "bought" the alpha key for 90 Bucks. There was a Paypal error, after hitting enter to log in i immediately have bought the game... i just wanted to see the Price in € (i come from Germany), but it skipped that page where the price is displayed and you can click on "buy now". it just said "thank you for your purchase"... Anyone knows what i can do? Paypal says they cannot cancel the payment :-( Maybe someone wants an alpha key for 85 bucks?^^
i know it was stupid, but normaly the price is displayed and then you press "buy now"... i guess it was a bug...
It's because there's no price in euro's on the Uber store. Though I suppose the paypal page should show a confirmation I always run currency conversions myself through Google since they're never off by more than a buck and this way I prevent myself from accidentally buying something. I think you should try emailing info@uberent.com.