just saw the price for steam alpha access and.....

Discussion in 'Support!' started by thetdawg3191, June 13, 2013.

  1. deso88

    deso88 Member

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    Welcome to Metacritic. Worst page on the internets.
  2. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    Good. Keep the haters out for now.:). I am glad the real supporters are in here.
  3. kingsmaug

    kingsmaug Member

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    I don't see why they're whining. I dropped more than that on this game. They're putting in for an actual game. I dropped more on a CONCEPT.
  4. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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    Well, I've been reading the comments in steam.. Guess Uber should consider shooting down the Alpha access and start it again with beta.. I'm totally supportive with the current alpha price on Steam, but I guess the damage this system will bring to PA is greater than the benefits.
    I might be wrong...
  5. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    Hey Guys,

    In all honesty I'm afraid this sums up the trend of not just PC gaming but gaming in general these days :cry: . I've unfortunately lost count of the times I've played a game with others and someone has gotten upset and been either abusive or vindictive in a game. This just feels like the same thing but instead now trying to attack from Uber's sales by posting negative reviews of something they haven't even got their hands on.

    Unfortunately some people feel they are entitled to certain things and when it doesn't fall into the realm of their expectations they explode in very damaging ways without actually thinking about their actions or maybe they do understand their actions but just don't care. The internet can sometimes empower people to act a way they normally wouldn't face to face.

    Uber clearly tried to do the right things by their backers which I respect and if I was wearing a hat it would certainly be off to you guys.

    Although I can understand the rage from those not wanting to pay $90 for steam access now I can't honestly say that if i was in their shoes I would understand why the price is where it is. I suppose my point is that people are either going to ark up or not. If it's not about this then it will be about something else they don't like.

    If the developers decide to lower the price of the alpha on steam i'll support it 100% because dare I say it i've been converted into an Uber fan boi. What i've learnt from supporting them via kickstarter is you know what....they are actually a cool bunch of people trying to make a great game and they have a great respect for their fans and backers. They have the game's best interests at heart. The decisions they make for the game may not always be in line with what I think works best or whatever but they can see the bigger picture that I cannot...plus they have the experience

    I suppose what I'm getting at is that my personal stance is don't change the alpha price on steam but if Uber want to then guys you have my full support.

    In the meantime I guess we can all combat this in our own way and post great reviews of metacritic :D

    Cheers and happy PA'ing,

  6. mancora

    mancora Member

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    Removing it wouldn't do much IMO, the damage is already done. (It's always amazing in these situations to me how in hindsight it looks so clear, but I didn't think the pricing would raise a problem with the community)

    The two main options I see are lowering the price or just sitting it out. One problem with lowering the price is while more people might join the Alpha, we might see more of the people who have been "burned" and come here simply to prove a point, that the game is crap and their view is justified.

    My favorite quotes from meta critic

    and it appears to be a fairy generic scifi RTS


    Played it at a friends house for about 2 hours and I can say there is absolutely no way this crap is worth $10 let alone 90!!?? This game is the biggest joke of the year.

    This last one cracks me up because he makes no mention of it being in alpha currently.
  7. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Put. Up. Preorder. For. Retail. Now. Seriously...

    It's to late to remove it from Steam (and you shouldn't do it), but you really need to make it clear to everyone that this isn't retail price.
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You think steam is not overpriced? Games there usually cost way more than in real stores where I even get a nix box and all. At least for me in germany. They randomly charge different prices for people in different countries. Another reason why buying AAA games on steam at release is a bad idea. I am allowed to import games from anywhere, but steam forces me to buy at german prices...
  9. veta

    veta Active Member

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    my understanding is this was the plan but valve wouldn't let them. apparently you cannot sell preorders on early access. It's kind of derpy though because plenty of games give you access to beta by preordering.
  10. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Neutrino just answered in the backers forum, they did want to do that and Valve didn't let them do that. Steam doesn't support preorder and early access for the same product.
  11. SirChristoffee

    SirChristoffee Member

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    This one below is probably my favourite. It is so bad in every possible way, I just can't even describe it. I can say, I am so thankful he isn't part of this community. Unfortunately some time after release, there will be a flood of people with the same intelligence as the below guy. Then, then I will hope dearly, that the backer forum remains as a quite sanctuary for us here and our souls.

  12. schockster

    schockster New Member

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    I readed on a german game site gamestar.de many guys complaining about that pa comes to steam, because they thought it will be cheaper to buy the alpha then through kickstarter.

    Uber did the right thing and normally all games have $=€. Planetary Annihilation cost at least only 83€ included taxes. (Kickstarter/pre order ofc too).

    Sometimes, we germans, have to buy a game on steam for 7€ and in the USA it costs 5$.

    I am completly happy with that =).


    I waiting atm for a steam key too :D.
  13. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    So, because of the price of a game is too expensive BEFORE RELEASE you don't plan to buy it later?

    (I only got as far as the 2nd post before I saw that) :shock:
  14. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Question is, should a 12 year old be capable of buying anything like a video game? Financially that is, nevermind all the other sticky questions.

    As a 12 year old I rarely had access to the $40 required to buy a new video game, you see . . .
  15. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    When I was 12 I was outside playing football all day ;)
  16. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    What, you played Madden outside? Why did you have a TV+console outside? ;P
  17. LockedKeye

    LockedKeye New Member

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    I counted at least five people who seemed to think they bought the final product. And there were many more who implied that with comments about it being "unfinished" and "buggy".
  18. veta

    veta Active Member

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  19. JamaicanPotato

    JamaicanPotato Member

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    I thought all threads relating to the steam price were closed :O
  20. lynx88

    lynx88 New Member

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    Metacritic should just disable the ability to make reviews when a game isn't even released, seeing the misuse here by immature kids.

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