Unable to start game.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by umbra2614, June 14, 2013.

  1. umbra2614

    umbra2614 New Member

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    G'day :)

    I have recently purchased the Galactic Edition from the Uber store, and I have activated my alpha code, and installed the installer no problem.


    When i start the game, i am greeted with a complete black screen, with background sounds, as shown here: http://puu.sh/3fs6a.jpg

    I have read around on the forums, but I haven't managed to find anyone with the same problem, but I am sorry if the fix has already been posted somewhere.

    I have attached my DxDiag save as well, to see if anyone is able to help me out with this problem.

    Thank you for your time :)

    Attached Files:

  2. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Are your drivers updated? I mean, this is an alpha, but I'm not sure what diagnostic data we can pull from the game at the current stage of development.

    Try searching the Tracker for similar issues, and submit a task if you can't find anything similar.

    Oh, and I want your hardware, please :p
  3. umbra2614

    umbra2614 New Member

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    My current driver is at 320.18, and as far as I can see, it is the most current build for Nvidia.

    I have had a quick look in the tracker, but i think I should have another 'better' look to see if anyone had the same in the past.

    Hehe, I get that request quite a bit actually :)
  4. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    It seems a few people had that problem, but upgrading drivers fixed it for them, but since you allready have the most recent ones... your best bet is making a bug report on the tracker with all the information you've posted here or add it to a already existing one if there is allready such one (don't know myself).

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