I'm at an impasse. I want to support this game. I really do. I'm not here to complain about the price with some baseless argument as to why it's too high-priced, but I want to share some genuine concerns. If we pay $90 for Planetary Annihilation on Steam, will we get the Galactic Edition upon release? That seems to have been the Kickstarter reward for $90 backers, and it's being offered on your website for $90. If so, you might want to consider changing your page to let this information be known. I can easily justify buying this game for $90 if it guarantees Galactic Edition on release, not so if all we're getting out of it is just the Alpha, Beta, and the base game.
What you can easily do is buy it from the Store that way you know for 100% sure you get all the added extra's. Soon-ish you will be able to convert it to a Steam key anyway so you will cover both grounds then.
I was posting this more out of the need for confirmation. If I'd have to personally buy the game off the Uber store for $90 to be guaranteed the Galactic Edition, then I will. I want this game and I would gladly support the development team behind it. But will purchasing the game on Steam Early Access guarantee me a Galactic Edition? $90 just for the alpha at this point just seems way too ludicrous if we're not getting that out of it.
Why not just get it on store.uberent.com and convert they key when the convert is released within the next 24 hours? Why do you have to buy it through steam?