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  1. selridion

    selridion New Member

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    meh i dunno what to say..
    allot of people are complaining and the only response is... don't like it ? though ****... w8 for release...

    these people including my self are complaining for only 1 reason... because we care... we see something awesome.. and we wanna be apart of it...
    but 90$ for a game... feels like a knife in the chest... and it kinda makes me angry... and im not alone i guess...

    but i guess its normal these days to ignore your potential customers there feelings
    i suppose the dutch saying "customer is king" is a saying from the past.... welcome to the digital age were people complaining is treated as a attack rather then a sign that a part of your fan base is upset

    making a compromise ? hell no... just ignore it... they will get over it eventually... when its on a steam sale for 5 euro's
  2. gobhoblin

    gobhoblin New Member

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    The steam store is selling Alpha access only, not some crazy collectors edition that justifies a 60% price increase.
  3. crseth

    crseth Member

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    Wrong the game is going to be around $40 not $90. You pay premium for early access to this game, because it was/is funded by the community, . Wait until retail
    Last edited: June 13, 2013
  4. selridion

    selridion New Member

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    if i buy it now it costs 90$.. that means the game costs 90$ at this moment...
    and playing a half finished game ain't something premium in my eyes...
  5. liamdawe

    liamdawe Active Member

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    The fallout continue, don't know how many people pay attention to it but they are taking to metacritic now to bash it into the ground. ... er-reviews

    Personally I think the Steam Early Access should be removed until release now.
  6. crseth

    crseth Member

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    No early access ALPHA costs $90. The game cost $40 feel free to pre-order now here
  7. gobhoblin

    gobhoblin New Member

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    That was my point! I've been a fan of Uber since the day I started playing SMNC (launch day and my birfday,) and cringed hard when I saw them post it on steam for $90. That was a really bad decision.
  8. liamdawe

    liamdawe Active Member

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    Personally I agree it was a bad business decision to put it onto Steam at the Alpha price.

    I love Uber though PA I am sure will be a work of art once done.

    Sadly Steam users are far too used to getting stuff super cheap.
  9. lordmd

    lordmd Member

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    Backers(everyone not only the 90+ ones) read at our Backer forums we have a thread there about the Steam problems at the moment. And make suggestions or comment on other people's suggestions.
  10. gobhoblin

    gobhoblin New Member

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    It's not a matter of it being cheap, the point is that they are completely backwards in their thinking regarding this. Kickstarter backers aren't people you price things around, they are the people who helped fund your game so you could actually make it. Steam isn't a fund raiser.
  11. kiviar

    kiviar New Member

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    It 'probably' won't really be an issue, Steam rarely displays metacentric scores under a certain threshold. I don't know if that is their decision or the publisher/developer's however.

    It's going to be interesting seeing how this is handled. The nice (or horrible, depending on your point of view) thing about PR is that you can recover from anything with the right actions, and people have short memories.

    It might not end up hurting the game at all, or it will be Lords of Winter all over again. (not a great example but the only one from Steam I can think of at the moment)
  12. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Why the hell is Metacritic allowing reviews for a product that is many months out from release?

    Oh yeah, Metacritic is about as crooked as 50 con men.....

    Last edited: June 13, 2013
  13. crseth

    crseth Member

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    I don't think it is a problem. I think it is mostly confusion abou the pricing model and just kids winning because they want in now but don't have the $$. Give it time it will work it self out, let the game sell itself and keep to the pricing model.

    Besides even bad publicity I don't really think could hurt this game.
  14. crseth

    crseth Member

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  15. lordmd

    lordmd Member

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    Someone speaking Korean? First Korean thread at Steam forums. Need my Google Translator now.


  16. kiviar

    kiviar New Member

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    While true, that little green number on the side of a game's storefront can hold a hefty sway over weather someone will buy it or not.

    But, like I said above, I would be amazed if it actually was put there to be seen anyway.
  17. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Which is another reason why metacritic should be strapped on a bunch of rockets and shot into the sun.

    Ever since publishers started to net out royalties depending on metacritic scores (which uses an unknown algorithm anyway) that thing got the be the biggest stinking pile of Diplodocus feces in games journalism besides the actual games journalism itself.
  18. ticklemeelmo

    ticklemeelmo Member

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    I really did not realize the steam crowd was as bad as the Xbox live crowd until today.

    I am glad they posted it there, the price will act as a filter. Just read the bug report tracker if you don't understand why we need one.

    But truly the reason they put it on steam was because we, the alpha backers, asked them to do it because according to the internal poll about 60% of the user like to use steam.
  19. crseth

    crseth Member

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    Completely agree
  20. consul

    consul New Member

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    I'm not asking you to pretend the game is finished. I very much understand what early access is; I've supported a number of titles in the steam Early Access program including ARMA 3, Don't Starve, Prison Manager and Kenshi.

    They all managed to go about this in a way that didn't anger a lot of people but fair enough I can understand that the situations do differ - for one, you guys had a successful kickstarter campaign. I believe steam early access didn't materialize until after that so I could only assume that this was a decision made later on.

    You don't need to price steam early alpha access at £67.99.. You say that you want to keep the early investors happy by charging steam customers the same amount as they payed to get alpha access but all that is doing is prolonging the extreme pricing, how do you think the people that didn't back you through kickstarter but still have to pay a premium price will feel after the price plunges?

    This is coming from a huge fan of your games, Supreme Commander 1 IMO is the best strategy game ever created, I love that ****. I understand that this is a difficult situation and I appreciate the sincere dialogue you are having with the community regardless, I hope to become a keen member of such myself. Unfortunately I can't share in the early experiences with you guys just now as I only have £40 to spare and was even worse off during the kickstarter D:
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