Improving Blitz mode

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Bezique, December 8, 2010.

  1. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    I really enjoy blitz mode - in principal. In practice it is impossible to play. I believe some changes need to be made. I have here some suggestions, if not these, something else really must be done in my opinion.

    Please disable the assault in blitz mode. He is not good at killing bots and the only thing to do in blitz mode is kill bots, it's not his place. I have yet to see a single member of this forum ever recommend a circumstance where the assault is a good choice in blitz mode. Whenever a player joins blitz mode and selects the assault the increase in bots always far outweighs the assault's contribution - no matter how good the player. It effectively ends the game. I now sadly quit as soon as I see somebody select him, I see others do this too.

    Please have Micky repeatedly announce that gap shots are shooting down your turrets - people never seem to get the message despite the initial exclamation of the pro and the repeated noise of mortar fire.

    After a player has disconnected from a blitz match and has then searched for a new game please do not send that player back into the same match. I find myself getting thrown back into the same game 20 times over before I get to go to a different lobby at times. It effectively removes online blitz mode from the game for me. I wouldn't call my leaving the previous game rage quitting, more a depressed departure. I never quit at any other time in any other game or in MNC crossfire. This tells me that there is a problem.

    Not all of us have groups of xbox live buddies we play with - at times MNC feels like less of a game as a result.
  2. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    I would also really want the turrets in blitz not to shoot at the gremlins. I know they are threats to turrets and that is why they get aimed at.
    But numerous times in Supper Sudden Death Blitz my ball as dropped because turrets focus on the Gremlins and not blackjacks or slims.
    Now i want to know (maybe from a dev) if this is on purpose, or not?
  3. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    I don't believe any class should be outright disabled in Blitz...but I do find it peculiar that only two classes actually matter in Blitz :|

    Assault lacks enough proficiency at killing bots, Assassin's attacks require constant juicing to remain very useful by round 70 even in regular sudden death, Gunner is good for awhile but again round 70 kinda cuts off that effectiveness, and of course Snipers have no place in Blitz at all since by round 40 they can't even kill SLIMS with a single explosive round.
  4. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    It's completely on purpose for two reasons.
    1. Having turrets focus on gremlins creates a priority list of bots to kill. Take out the Gremlins as fast as possible. Makes for more interesting gameplay.
    2. In early testing there was a lot of confused people because turrets wouldn't fire at Gremlins/Buzzers. So it makes more sense for them to do so, they just don't do a lot of damage to them.

    The whole reason we have Blitz leaderboards split up by class is so that you can play every class and compare how you do as that class. It makes for more replayability. You may not feel like the Assault is good in Blitz, but you can still play as him and try to be the best Assault Blitzer in the world because our leaderboards will show you that.

    This is probably has much more to do with the number of Live Blitz games that are being played at any given moment than anything we've done in code.
  5. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I usually have a lot of cash in Blitz that isn't doing me any good. In most tower defense games, having extra cash means you are doing something wrong. I think a good solution would either be:
    A. Blitz mode exclusive level 5 turrets.
    B. The ability to upgrade ALL of the turrets on the map with upgraded damage, rate of fire, range, or splash damage via an in game terminal. For example, I have $2000 just sitting in "the bank", I go over to said terminal and I upgrade rate of fire for $2000. Now, all of the turrets on the map, and any turrets I build from then on get a 5% rate of fire increase. Or I could upgrade turret range, so all of my current and future turrets get a 10% range increase.

    I personally like B better because there are no cosmetic changes to anything (other than a new terminal). Thoughts?
  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    I end up blowing all my extra cash on buying juice in the later rounds.
  7. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    In Sudden Death even in the later rounds you have insane amounts of cash laying around. By round 1000 I had over 20k cash and I was buying juice after every Jackbot round.
  8. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    To be honest... I never got anywhere near that high, wasn't sure it was possible. So it's safe to say I didn't plan for what happens at that round. :p
  9. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Haha yeah I remember a post about not expecting people to go that high, which is where Super Sudden Death came from. To be fair, I can't see people getting into the 1000s on that one, at least not for a long, long while.
  10. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    I'm kinda shocked that a couple weeks in and 185 is still the high round for SSDB.
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I got to 109 by myself :p I'm proud haha
  12. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    The one thing I wish people could do in blitz is buy bacon (for like 1000-1500) it's so painful when I don't get it because bacon makes such a huge difference. and right now bacon is all luck
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    assault isnt AWFUL at blitz. just like the assassin, think out of the box. i can easily cover the frond 2 doors post-60 as an assault OR assassin. gold skill recovery, silver armor, and RoF for assault. 4 second recharge on charge 3 combined with headcrab and GL grapple tear through bots. he isnt BETTER than anyone else, but isnt as bad as others seem to think. just like the assassin is useless unless you have gold armor, the assault is useless without gold skill.
  14. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Assassin useless without gold armour, what? In sudden death I got to over wave 500
    with gold RoF silver skills regen & bronze armour. Smoke bomb the 2 front lanes, take
    out the bots & it recharges in time to repeat at will. The side doors look after themselves
    with a good turrent setup . I reckon I could have got a lot further but had to go to work.
  15. Bezique

    Bezique New Member

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    Having been away from the internet I see that others have not been, it's been a busy thread. Having calmed down now I see that I was wrong to blame the assault - I am sorry - there must just be a tendency for new players to pick him before they and stroll into and destroy other people's blitz games.


    I was unaware of leader board breakdowns by class, I don't look at them much. I'll take a peak.

    I don't follow exactly the explanation about it being the only match so taking me back to it, sometimes I get sent to new lobbies. This happens in crossfire too, at busy times of the day. I would expect after several quits from being put into the same match that would get sent off to start a new lobby.

    I know the obvious thing to do is go into a local game. But the possibility of another player with some experience of the game turning up keeps me in live matches, even if I'm there alone. We all live in hope
  16. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    If I were to improve blitz mode, it would be a simple playlist improvement: being able to switch Blitz mode while retaining the players in your lobby. One of my best friends love Blitz mode, but always seems to miss the whole, "lemme back out and create a new game message".

    Being able to switch would be sweet.

    Also there should be a Sudden Death Scramble Blitz. That would be mega-sweet!
  17. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    well, useless was a strong word, but the usual armor/RoF/skill works well. cut up one side out front, and when the second side gets into the middle of the 5 front turrets, SB them and cut them up.

  18. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    I'm shocked that anyone could possibly think that the Assassin is useless in Blitz mode. Fastest class to get juice so you can juice basically every round and not worry about jack bots. As for only lasting til about wave 80, I got to round 230 before I got bored and quit and even then I was single handedly taking on all the bots in the front entrance. Plus, jack bots were paper thin to my juiced sword and came down in seconds at the most. I'd easily take on about 3 - 4 jack bots with a single juice then just buy another juice.

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