Suggestion on balance of Artillery

Discussion in 'Support!' started by kennymac9, June 11, 2013.

  1. kennymac9

    kennymac9 New Member

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    Artillery both mobile and stationary can easily take out a base in a matter of a few shots. This makes base defenses relatively useless at times and recovery almost impossible. could there be a possible anti artillery defense of some sort of force field of sort to help deter the sever damage of artillery.
  2. oldladies

    oldladies New Member

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    I totally agree. I had an epic base and a bomber spam rush/heavy arty destroyed most of my base fast before I could respond with my own units.

    Need more base defenses in the upper tiers. Thats one thing that made Supreme Commander so fun was the epic battles to take down a base.

    I know it is early alpha but bases fall too fast.

    Oh and forgot to say that so far with the alpha I am highly impressed. Even for an alpha it is very fun and can't wait for the full game.
  3. exdeusmachina

    exdeusmachina New Member

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    If they wanna stay away from shields which i fully support, then the only real option is like an anti artillery/missile laser that could shoot down shells for a balanced energy cost. An eco person with a huge advantage should still be able to kill a smaller base with an arty barrage.

    Think cybran zapper from FA
  4. Ralith

    Ralith Member

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    A better solution might simply be to not leave artillery positions in range of your base unscouted. Don't clump all your units into one little group waiting for orders and/or incoming fire, proactively go out and secure your perimeter.

    This is a strategy game. Sooner or later you're going to need to apply some strategy.
  5. crazy987

    crazy987 New Member

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    Artillery defence, cant remember we had that in TA.

    Big bertha's all the way _O_

    but artillery is kinda OP, ye, single-shot commander...
  6. zitronenoeffner

    zitronenoeffner New Member

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    Since shields are not going to be in the game, the only ways I see to balance artillery are:
    .)Expensive or weak arty units, but this is kinda blunt and boring
    .)Turrets with increased range
    .)Extensive use of stationary artillery (this wont work against the almighty stomper)
    .)Or, as mentioned before by exdeusmachina, some kind of laser CIWS - which would be pretty cool but might be (game-mechanic wise) to close to shields to be implemented.
  7. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Just some friendly advice to all those that will discuss artillery in this thread; It's been discussed to death already in multiple threads within the Backers Lounge. I'd advise reading all 23 pages of this before you start it up in here:
    Artillery Defence

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