Current cartoon style graphics in PA.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bodzio97, June 9, 2013.


Do you like the current PA graphics or you prefer TA or SC style graphics?

Poll closed July 28, 2013.
  1. I like the current PA graphics.

    72 vote(s)
  2. I don't care about the graphics if the gameplay is very good.

    18 vote(s)
  3. I prefer TA or SC graphics, thought I will still buy PA.

    8 vote(s)
  4. I prefer TA or SC graphics. I will not buy PA.

    0 vote(s)
  5. I prefer TA or SC graphics. I don't know if I will buy PA.

    2 vote(s)
  1. Baleur

    Baleur Member

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    I love high clarity bright color art styles. The "Mirror's Edge" look.
    So I couldn't be happier.
    I do agree about the wreckage though, but that will be improved, every graphical effect we see now is just temporary stuff, more particles and gubbins will come later!
    They haven't even finished the shaders, texturing system or post-processing yet!

    I don't see how one can call this "cartoon" though. Cartoon doesn't represent everything that has bright colors. Wouldn't you call grim comics "cartoons" too? Yet they are mostly gritty dark colors and dirty hues. Batman etc being examples of that.

    I wish people would rather call it a vibrant style, instead of trying to use the whole old "cartoon for kidz" label to try to devalue the asthetic direction. It ain't cartoon nor is it for kids. It's an art style, that's all.
    I love it, and I was a big TA fan, not to mention that i usually prefer gory gritty styles. I hate the World of Warcraft art style for example. But clear bright clean colors? Love that style.
  2. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    The gameplay visualization in the kickstarter looked absolutely brilliant. Similar to what you have described here. To be honest I can't imagine the game looking any different.
  3. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    I'm kind of expecting to see people to release early "realism" mods that just replace the textures on everything. The cool thing is the way we have the game setup, one person can play with the official visual style and someone else can play with a "gritty realism" graphics pack. As they can be purely client side, both players can be in the same game and not have any problems.
  4. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I saw something like this on the TB video comments, and it just annoyed me. Any time a game goes for a more stylised look, people call it lazy (which it ISN'T) or just generally crappy. And still, people judging a game based on very early alpha pisses me the hell off.

    I should get off the internet, I can't tolerate people with no common sense.
  5. naptime

    naptime New Member

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    If you don't like it you can always wait for texture mods to come out to make the game look how you want, or you could make one yourself and have it perfectly tailored to your taste.

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