Flukes i've found so far.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by thetdawg3191, June 9, 2013.

  1. thetdawg3191

    thetdawg3191 Active Member

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    after playing a good few rounds of multiplayer, i've kept a mental note of some thing i've been experiencing. that said, here's all of the wonkyness i've found so far:

    AI Targeting: there are a good number of times where an entire swarm of units will COMPLETELY IGNORE an enemy, even if that enemy is firing right at them, in range and all. and before you ask, yes, i set the units to fire at will. however i think that portion of the command interface is borked right now anyways, as altering the various "states" does nothing. aircraft will also fail to auto-aquire a target once one is in range. fighters and bombers will just sit there, completely oblivious to the fact that there are juicy enemy buildings right in their view.

    AI Responsiveness: though not as bad as targeting, there are times where units will ignore a command altogether.

    units emerging from factories "cockeyed": a bit self explanatory, but relatively rare for me.

    units randomly dissapearing into the ground: this one is very strange, and can happen at any time. one time an entire battleship just poofed into the core of the planet. i sould see him from orbit, but he was clearly glitched 6 feet under.

    lack of notification when a player disconnects from a game: this happens alot, since players are either disconnecting in grief, or glitching out. it would really be nice to know when a player is no longer there, as i would like to avoid situations of "sudden awkward silence"

    lack of games in general: it's somewhat disheartening to see a lack of games at all. though maybe that's because there are relatively few alpha backers to begin with. i really hope that the steam relase will help remedy this.

    would love to hear if any of you are experiencing the same or related problems so we can nail this down.
  2. Falknir

    Falknir New Member

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    In my one game, practically every land unit factory I built would complete units above-ground and they would slowly work themselves into high-orbit. Funny thing about that is the land construction units get an obscene build range. :lol:

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