EDIT: Reposted here, please don't respond on this topic: http://forums.uberent.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=47462 First of all: I post this on this thread because I feel this concerns the corporation more than the game. Now my question: Will it be possible for a small indie corporation to somehow buy/rent or otherwise gain the rights to develop another game based around the planetary generation set up for PA? I ask this because I know a few people (including me) who are interested in working together creating a spore-like game with a more scientific basis, a bit more like how it used to be presented. Since the PA engine seems to contain a lot better support than the spore generation (which is not available for anyone but maxis anyway) it would seem a very nice place to start. Thanks for reading, CD
Maybe if you posted it where it belonged, your personal idea of it being more of a corporate thing does not actually matter. Dev activity can be found in the backer forum and in PA General.