Well I did not install Mono-2.10.8 but rather used the one that was automatically in the wineprefix (C:\Windows\mono). The controls of the login dialog do work! Just click into one of the text field and enter something like ten characters and you should see that you are actually writing something. And once you have entered something in both text field the login button actually works. Edit: I also tried Mono-2.10.8 from winetricks, hoping it would fix the libgluezilla error, but so far no luck
Regarding the libgluezilla: WARNING: the "libgluezilla" package was deleted from this repository So i tried to get a deb package from http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-10.04/ubuntu-mai ... /download/ However that complained about xulrunner which was also removed from repositories. So I downloaded xulrunner package and guess what, another missing dependecy :| .
Ok, I made some progress: I installed Mono 2.10 using "winetricks mono210" which I then ran like this: "wine64 c_drive/Program Files (x86)/mono/bin/mono.exe PATH/TO/PALauncher.exe" that gave me the following lines in the log: Code: GameDir: ***/PA Version file: version.txt
More Progress: This time i ran wine64 cmd, cd'ed into Program Files/Palnetary Annihilation and ran from there: C:\.....\bin\mono.exe PALauncher.exe. A few dialogs with Error: 0 appeared, but afterwards PA started dowloading dozens of files
You are misunderstanding me. Of course you select a framework, tool, language (whatever), that you intend to port to other platforms later, and base your initial design on that. I am not talking about old fashion porting (re-writing a program on a different platform), but developing primarily on one platform, while keeping the other platforms' ports upstream. Old fashion porting would give far too many headaches (and it also did a lot).
Ok, after the game downloaded all the files it did not do anything, however running "wine PA/PA.exe" gives a black window, which crashes with a page fault after a few seconds.
If you want to make a quick updater then C# is quite a good choice. Borderlands 2 launcher is using .NET 4.0 for example. Why write something like that in C/C++ when all it has to do is login and download/verify files?
What would have been the alternative: delay the whole alpha until the Linux and Mac OS X are on par? That doesn't make sense. Thanks for your dedication to other platforms! I'll be happy to help test the Mac and Linux builds.
While I'm anxiously waiting for my PA fueled shot to arrive for Linux, I too understand the complications of getting this going. Some people don't understand what it means for software to be in an alpha or beta state, and base there understanding on what Google calls "beta". I'm glad you are even releasing the alpha under Linux, and as I stated I'm happy to help test any pre-alpha you have (especially if its 64bit based). Otherwise keep up the good work!
Those "web analystics" based usage stats are wildly inaccurate and should be taken with a grain of salt. for example heres a comparison of ios vs android by two different companies claim to measure the same type of data over roughly the same period Net Market Share ios 59.49% android 24.40% StatCounter Global Stats ios 25.53% android 38.79% They're not even remotely similar
While I was also a (tiny) bit disappointed that the Linux version isn't available from the start, I understand the reasons. However, I do think that mentioning it in the email would have been more clear, because then nobody will miss the forum posts that the alpha is initially only for Win64, and that other OSes will come a bit later. Also, what flavour of Linux are you internally building it on? Ubuntu?
Valve choose Ubuntu, so there is 90% chances that it will be Ubuntu. Something else might happen only if Uber got some Linux-geek in team, but I doubt that because their launcher on C# and servers on Windows.
Interesting choice, there are a fair few Mono issues on Linux, I hope you guys have looked at things like MonoGame if more of the game itself uses Mono. What does the rest of the game use? Also is that allowed to be made public that it's using Mono?
I run linux at home and at work. I'm a linux sysadmin. Sure I paid on kickstarter for Alpha access and all that, especially when I saw linux support was there. Am I disappointed that at the beginning of alpha there's no linux build? Sure, but not enough to complain and be a whining little ***** like certain others. They stated their reasons for this and I kinda went "Oh, well that sucks but I guess I'll just wait" I'm quite happy that they are working on a linux build and are at least being honest about why it's been held up. Also for the uber devs info. I'm running fedora here.
Easy, C++. Why no? You don't need launcher if you want to update though Steam, and I think it's will be fairly easy to make our own if there will be enough people who hate mono
Hm, might be Linux/Mac versions will be built on mono? Because I actually try to run windows version on Wine and on native Mono too, but it's didn't work correctly.
It appeared to have some Mono dependencies, that's what I based my assumption on, it's not something I super secretly shared from the Uber T&R lab