feedback on Build 49186 (some i cant post in bug tracker)

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Vernam7, June 9, 2013.

  1. Vernam7

    Vernam7 Member

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    i am aware that many of the ones that i will mention here, will have the response "its an alpha etc etc" but still its a feedback that i wish to give and make sure eventually the game will be improved.

    • The camera movement must be also possible with out the keyboard arrows, but simple like all normal RTS when the mouse moves to the edge of the screen! Since this is not at the moment used by any other feature, the mouse can provide the normal camera movement we all know and not been forced to use the harmful middle click and hold all the time method.
    • The game needs seriously improvements over FPS and general performance. even in alpha stage most of the games in a very high end system, its not enjoyable and many time not even playable. very laggy, should be Vsunc Locked imho.
    • pathfinding is constantly been improving, but needs more work. The "flow" like water effect is not realistic, you will see tanks hovering around debris - decals or other units instead of turning and moving around them. many times in narrow paths will stuck and not try to find a way around.

    • slow UI response. this is mostly due to the 2nd point i talked before, that causes a lot of pathfinding and ordering issues. you are ordering a build, the units takes too long to respond, you try again and then you have 2 orders due to User Interface lags.Targeting and mouse pointer has also serious lag issues!

    • no "under attack" warning system.
    • the player color pallets are too similar so we cant distinguish friendly fro enemy units!
    • you can see the base floor of the enemy constructions under the fog of war, even thought you never explored that area!

    • sometime there is no Sun (star) in the galactic view
    • when pressing the "," to change the camera to the planet's Moon, you see in the background your structure's and units, but not on the planet surface but in space, and other similar texture issues in the terrain. Yes i know its not finished, but lets just keep it in our minds.

    • when chating if you use keys that are also shortcuts while typing many of those comands take place when it shouln't in the chat window.
    • there is no way to completely cancel a building in a factory, even if you right click all to 0, the unit that was under construction doesn't stop! and if you are very low on Metal and Energy this unit will stuck there "forever" until is completed! so you are in a constant loop with low resources.

    • planet with sea, if the sea actually is a lake, and never communicates with the enemy some how, its kinda pointless in a planet. in this version i would accept it for testing naval units reasons.
    • no FULLSCREEN. yeap i know what you said about old PCs etc, but since we are all in new systems, a true full screen should be helpfull in the very near future!
    • when you are Exiting PA, and then restart the client, and try to login, it says that you are already assigned in a game if you wish to reconnect or abandon.
      if you rejoin, you start from 0!? maybe because in my previous game the other player disconnected?

    generally i know its too early, the performance and UI smoothness and the mouse edge camera movement is for me an important task to be focused in the upcoming version, but i will be really more glad, if my feedback can actually taken into consideration.

    after all that's why i preordered the galactic version as many of us. so that our voices can be heard. :D

    keep it up Dev team.
    this is going to be Epic.
  2. HD188753

    HD188753 New Member

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    Re: feedback on Build 49186 (some i cant post in bug tracker

    The chrono-cam starts at the beginning, so its replaying what you've done, just hit the "end" key on your computer's keyboard, and it will go back to realtime.
  3. Vernam7

    Vernam7 Member

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    Re: feedback on Build 49186 (some i cant post in bug tracker

    but all the other users are gone! right? so it snot the game that i was playing anymore. :|

    thanks for your reply
  4. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Re: feedback on Build 49186 (some i cant post in bug tracker

    All of these currently exist in the bug tracker.

    Please read How to report bugs, and if you are having trouble using the system please PM a dev.
  5. thekiller666

    thekiller666 Active Member

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    Re: feedback on Build 49186 (some i cant post in bug tracker

    Yes there is:

    1: Select the factory
    2: Click the stop icon in the UI to the right.
  6. Vernam7

    Vernam7 Member

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    Re: feedback on Build 49186 (some i cant post in bug tracker

    i did reported what ever was possible to be reported, the others are general thoughts and feeling about the game so far.

    thanks for the "stop production" tip, i wasn't expecting to find this over there!
    should stop when all queue is canceled thought. :roll:

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