Turrican's Alpha Observations Part 1.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Turrican, June 8, 2013.

  1. Turrican

    Turrican New Member

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    Hey guys.

    This post is my first attempt at reporting to you my Alpha Observations. I understand it is a work in progress, so I promise it will mostly be constructive criticism as I feel this game has a lot of potential.

    So here goes:

    1. Idle Villager Key
    I build a lot of units. It would be nice to know if I have builders doing nothing so I can put them to work. I assume this is something you are already aware of and will address in due course.

    2. Center Button
    I love the planet style maps. Not having a black wall of nothing to back your base up against adds tactical elements. However, when rotating the planet and looking at other things, I get disorientated, to the point I sent my forces to attack the wrong enemy. I think a button that would center the view back to the exact camera angle of the initial view when your commander drops would be great to address this.

    3. Tower/Unit Radius
    Like Supreme Commander, a toggable view for tower attack range and unit attack range would be fantastic! I assume this is also already being addressed by the team.

    4. Group Joint Commands
    The ability to select planes, vehicles and bots, and still be able to tell them all to attack this location, without having to group the same types of units. I believe this will also be addressed as time goes on.

    5. Artillery units
    Title is self explanatory. I assume this WBALO (Will be addressed Later On)

    6. Pathing
    Units get stuck to easy and don't reroute their path to become unstuck. I assume WBALO

    7. Weird unit happenings.
    I believe this is due to the 3d planet style maps and the alpha pathing. Some units when get stuck, begin a journey to the center of the earth. They go inside the planet and keep moving until they pop out the other side and then they begin to fly. I couldn't help but be reminded of the kids show despicable me with the floating little yellow guys as I saw my Scamper bot floating into space.

    8. Tank Line of Sight
    When I attacked enemy towers, they would kill the first tank, and then this seemed to block the line of sight of the tanks behind it, so they couldnt shoot at the towers. The towers seemed to still have line of sight on the tanks.

    There you have it, my first notes on the Alpha. That said, I loved the feel of it, and I am really excited about what can become of this game. Best of luck in development and I will do my best to continually provide constructive criticism when I can :) (I will also add funny screenshots in later iterations)
  2. Turrican

    Turrican New Member

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    Friendly note:

    I encourage everyone else to post their thoughts in my threads as well :) Especially if you experienced something different to me.
  3. crseth

    crseth Member

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    Double clicking the control group number of a made control group does not take the camera to that group. Also cannot add stuff to control group by simply holding shift and clicking the control group number.

    The game always sits at 970mb memory ram usage on mg computer, I have more ram that I think it could use, but it never does just sits at 970mb regardless of what is happening and starts to lag bad when there is a decent amount of units on the field
    Last edited: June 8, 2013
  4. brokendrum

    brokendrum New Member

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    Yeah there should be some way to focus where a group is. If it is in game I have not seen/found it yet.

    Been making groups ok but have to try and locate them manual can be a hassle.

    Double tap the group key or something simple would work..
  5. Turrican

    Turrican New Member

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    All great additions guys. I just tested it out and noticed the same thing. The more little pieces that are identified, the better they can make this game. :)

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