Sorry to be dense, but ... I just got my alpha key, but I signed up for the Linux/64 version. I have no Windows system to run it on and don't plan on it. From what I've read, Mac & Linux are going to be delayed until the main problems get dealt with on the Windows version. My question is, will you be making a post regarding the Linux release, or will my key activation screen somehow show that it's for the Linux version? Any ETA? Thank you! p.s. Alpha is looking pretty dang neat! Love the music, too. The neat "ambient" mode it sinks into when there isn't much going on is really cool. Good work so far, Uber!
Your key is for all versions mate, they will make all relevent announcements when the Linux version is ready (waiting for it too since i run ) luckily i still have a copy of windows left over...on a really small partition though heh
From what I gather, they plan on releasing a Linux client fairly soon, likely after the initial alpha rush starts to get less hectic. My guess is it will probably come late next week or early the week after. I've tried the Windows version, but in all honesty you aren't missing all that much. The worst of the initial bugs will be fixed by then, and you'll have an easier time finding the Linux-specific problems.
Thanks. What distros will be supported? I only run Debian, but would be willing to install a different distro (such as Ubuntu) on a different drive if needed...
My money would be on Ubuntu being the first distro targeted and the one with the best overall support. They can't be expected to support every obscure distro out there and Ubuntu and its derivatives are getting to be something of a standard on the desktop. As long as it runs on Ubuntu and its derivatives I'm sure people will figure out how to make it run on pretty much everything else.
Indeed. I was just hoping that, considering Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian, that I'd be In Like Flynn.
the propagation of the concept of "supported distro's" just helps propagate the concept that linux is a fractured OS. Sure Uber could go full retard and build against specifically named Ubuntu libraries or against a certain specific structure (kind of what Valve did with the early STEAM for linux). All that will do is piss other distro-user off and just delay them as they figure out what symlinks to what system libs are required. Or they can just aim to be distro-agnostic with the linkage (eg: instead of: as different distro's could be using different releases...) the obvious thing is distro-agnostic then push out the builds so ppl with other distro's can do a check there wasn't some silly linkage.