Anyone have this graphics glitch? All of my units and buildings are invisible but i can see their icons when i zoom out. I can still select everything however.
I did have an issue with my units being invisible, but it was a bit more weird then that. I had an individual unit a good distance from my base, and a little bit away from it was a health bar with nothing under it. When I clicked on the health bar it had selected my fabrication units back at my base.
Well hopefully it can be fixed in the next build or two because I can't really play now The planet looks kool though!
For bugs like this, you'll want to use the Bug Tracker and post your system specs (graphics card, processor, OS and RAM are most important). Otherwise not much can be done but guess and take potshots at the issue, which Uber doesn't have the time for right now.
Interesting. Haven't heard of this one before. First thing to do is update your video drivers because well, that's always the first thing. Except maybe rebooting is the first, first thing.
I caught that problem on video (actually HOW units become invisible): ... ae3a98cd43 Same problem sometimes happen along with move command, when unit ties to go around building or other unit, or once i have two Ants just fall under the ground in a middle of flat field.
I'm pretty sure my drivers are up to date but i'll give it another check anyway. My units don't turn invisible, they actually spawn invisible. Anyway, In the meantime i've added the bug to your task list and posted by Dxdiag. Good luck!
Sometimes seem to disappear on make also. Have taken to making at least one unit to see if the unit will go underground before trusting the building. If a failed building I just destroy/reclaim and shift the building a few squares. Seems to work. Same same with the boat docks. Make one and make sure it can be mobile before trusting the dock.