PA Alpha Bugs

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Asterisk135, June 8, 2013.

  1. Asterisk135

    Asterisk135 Member

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    If anyone has any bugs they want to report, it's probably best if you dump them here. Here are mine:

    - Commander will build buildings where he is standing, afterwards he will walk through the building

    - Buildings can be built inside other buildings and trees

    - No path indicators for rally points

    - Units will occasionally walk straight through buildings and terrain

    - Commander walked waist high into the terrain

    - While having a fabricator selected, selecting a building, then pressing and releasing shift causes it to leave build mode.

    - Sheller shells appear to vanish in mid air.

    - AI builds units in crevasse

    - Large building construction animations only start when it's half constructed

    - Some land textures on the rocky plateau are lower resolution than others

    - Health bars appear to be slightly lower than full

    - Units are noticeably slow to respond

    - Building animations flicker elliptically so when assisted by multiple engineers
  2. Mosse

    Mosse Member

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    I've notice when you play a game and you shift click a build order/queue you can see other people's queue as well. So you know where and what they are building.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I don't have the alpha nor am I backer but I did see (I believe) a Google Docs. thing for submitting bugs. I think it was during ColaColin's stream that I seen it used.

    The thing is I don't have a link for it.
  4. TELunus

    TELunus New Member

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    I find that units will sometimes not leave the factory. So far I have only had this with builders. In at least some cases the builders were given orders to build before they finished building, and just started that right away, instead of moving out first.
  5. funkytribe

    funkytribe New Member

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    just got the Alpha each time i hit the play button it just crashes an advice?

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