I've just tried out the Alpha, and it looks pretty awesome already. However, there were a few things I noticed when playing. Buildings: Questionable Collision Detect I can build new buildings on top of old buildings. I can build new buildings on top of units. Sometimes, units can waltz right through the buildings (e.g. I built a building on a unit. I was able to send the unit out from under it, and then told to pass through it several times.) Landed Aircraft do not fly out of the way for land units trying to get by. Any point to advanced interceptors? They seem to be destroyed after one missile from regular interceptors, and seem to perform worse in combat. A little bit of artifacting here and there. All in all, very impressed with the alpha so far. Cheers.
Thank you for your write down, please consider adding your bugs to the PA Tracker if they aren't yet: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker
I have since posted a few bugs, but there are issues that are not exactly bugs that I think should be noted. The point of the peregrine is one of them The other being the lack of information in the tool tips. For example: You can't tell how much energy the generator produces until you actually build one. That's all I have so far Cheers
Yep, lots of bugs but I'm really excited to see this game even at this early stage! I just hope we can help groom your backlog with our feedback . Thanks Uber, I know it can be a risky move to put something like this out to your customers I applaud you for doing it.