was playing alpha, IT WAS AWESOME! problem with bot construc

Discussion in 'Support!' started by scottyanni, June 7, 2013.

  1. scottyanni

    scottyanni New Member

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    was playing alpha, IT WAS AWESOME! problem with bot construction though, the factory created bots but then as they walk out of factory they disappear....and can not select them...however the vehicle factory worked well.....also is there no mini-map
  2. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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  3. soulshifter

    soulshifter New Member

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    Re: was playing alpha, IT WAS AWESOME! problem with bot cons

    I had the same problem with one of my bot construction plants. I was playing around with the placement. If you watch it you can see it changing when it's going over rough terrain. If you zoom out, when your units turn to icons you can see the bots that have been constructed. They are going under ground when they come out, the exit ramp must be under the surface due to the rough ground.

    Alpha v.49122
  4. relena

    relena New Member

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    Re: was playing alpha, IT WAS AWESOME! problem with bot cons

    Naval factories have exit issues too. (I know naval is still in an early state, but I wanted to say it anyway.) Some ships would just turn perpendicular to the factory axis and sit stuck in there, I couldn't get them out.

    Some bots on patrol when they hit rocks really went nutty with movement too. Sort of like they were having a seizure. They'd get over the terrain, but it looked weird when they were doing it, not a straight line, not quite around everything either.

    Also is there scrolling other than the arrow keys and I'm just missing it or is that not in yet?

    Gotta say though, for an alpha I'm real impressed. It run a *lot* better than I expected, looked better too. I'm really impressed with the project, and this is just a super early build too. Great job guys!
  5. soulshifter

    soulshifter New Member

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    Re: was playing alpha, IT WAS AWESOME! problem with bot cons

    I think pretty much everything will have that issue. If you zoom in and watch the units exit they are going under the surface. If something is placed on a rock so it makes the building tilt the wrong way the units will do that. There needs to be some kind of placement check to stop you from placing buildings on uneven terrain, or at least make sure the exit is above ground.

    Hold down your middle mouse button and drag it. Or if you are someone that is used to using zoom a lot you can zoom out and then quickly back in, it will center to your mouse.

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