And by slight, I mean the same problem I've been having since I first tried. >.>; Just having this up here for the sake of (probably) having a thread filled with issues for people who may or may not be having similar issues. A dropbox link for the .dmp and a .txt giude file, as well as a DXDiag report from before. Hopefully this is of some use to you guys. Figured that this is the best place to put it, barring a dedicated bug/crash report thread.
Post this to the Alpha Test Forum. Please don't clutter up the Backer's Lounge with other sub-forums stuff... ...(there's enough of it already)...
I would post it there, but it would seem that I don't have access to that. I'm probably derping up somewhere, though. Possibly. EDIT: Yeah, there was a derp somewhere. Sent a PM out to garat about it. Don't mind the slightly moronic human. >.>;