Yo dawgs, it's Taco. Before you assume I'm someone else trying to troll Taco (myself) I will address my own insulting of my skills in this game prior to relieve suspicion. Moving on! I have little to no interest in being a captain, but I am willing to participate in being on a "team" as you call them. So for the record I've only been commended for my assassin while in an actual PM. I'll gladly try whatever you please, but not gunner. Assassin- I'm good considering all I need to do is push bots and break turrets, I'm comfortable saying I'm D. Shizznit. Sniper- For PM's likely mediocre at best, my PvP is in need of a tune-up, I spend more time on bot lanes as you've all noticed. Willing to work on improving. Support- I'll hold down the RT, just for you guys, but I've been insulted on my inability to do so effectively. All in all, I don't play support often. Pretty nice shotgunning skills. Assault- Again, PvP is mediocre at best. I'm great at throwing bombs quite accurately, and bouncing grenades effectively. Almost useless, I know. I'm good at judging the distance and angles that they bounce at though, fun fact. Tank- I've been complimented for my "tanking" a few times. I don't mind playing, just realize an assault will demolish me 99 times out of 100. I can do tank but I get the awkward "how do I do this" feeling when I'm using him. Gunner- My gunning skills is comparable to perhaps watching a orangutang attempt interpretive dance. Above average mortaring skills, I don't claw, so PvP isn't good with my gunner. In general: I have this false sense of morality that has me convinced that punching bots isn't very... honorable? "It's xbox, who cares man?" Me. I care. I already mentioned that I don't claw. My anger issues are much more controlled considering I gave up on justifying what I call logic, as most people only care to troll and essentially act like an XBL gamer. Just hit me up on xbox obviously if you want me to help at all. Before you ask, my tag is AlphabetTaco. Not "AlphabadTaco." That is all. Oh wait--! Comment 1: tl;dr Comment 2: [Comment 1: tl;dr] Comment 3: [Comment 2: [Comment 1: tl;dr]] There we go, saved you all some time.
We all have different opinions, granted it looks more like you have someone else's opinion. I feel if I start acting like an inconsiderate jerk off over the internet it will likely expand into my general attitude. I'm a gentleman, and will do what I can to act as thus, though I can support his/your argument kind sir.
You editted your post it appears, however I did mistake that quote as you for about 3 seconds, but I noticed,
I like the cut of your jib and would like to extend a contract to you on behalf of team ULES for a class of your choice. Signing bonus if you go gunner, because there is nothing more entertaining than an ape doing interpretive dance; it will be our secret weapon because as the enemy team watches you and tries to see if you are serious we will sneak bots in...