Is that it is a relatively low-profile game. The budget isn't particularly gigantic for the outcome; if I were a publisher, I would pay 5 times what the Kickstarter garnered for the exact same result. The Kickstarter video has about 600k views, which is paltry compared to some of the Call of Duty fan-made montages, let alone the trailers for the games themselves. I sometimes forget that everyone I meet on the street and in my every day life won't be the same brilliant people that make and want to play this game... Kinda makes me sad.
^ this. I have been training a lot of new hires at work lately, and talked hobbies with them to kind of break the ice. There were a couple that were (or at least claimed to be) diehard fans of TA and they even had no clue of this project's existence. Personally, I love this project deeply and am trying to spread the good word so that as many people know as possible. I want this game to succeed, because the world deserves this calibre of RTS. Much better than the browser-based 'strategy' games that are getting shockingly-popular these days. *cringes*
Exactly. And one can't help but wonder how awesome Uber is. For doing this. With such limited money. With such openness; look at how everything is handled, videos are free to be uploaded, they regularly comment on this forum - and with comment I do not mean a nonsensical statement with zero content, but an actual comment... It's just awesome. It's Uber.
I think it is a good thing it is low profile as it is now. The moment we can play complete matches, without big issues, would be a good time to go high profile
Yes. The big publishers are paying tons more money and the only thing better is graphics... and gameplay is the same boring crap every game. I only need to play 1 game every 10 years... all others are too boring and not too much new or interesting stuff.