Has anyone got a fulfillment email or link to send in their custom commander inspiration for those who backed $1000 or more? I haven't gotten anything on that yet but I would surely be disappointed if I couldn't take advantage of all of the perks of paying into that tier!
I doubt there'd be any work done on the 1K Commanders until at best the Beta Phase, Art assets are costly to make, so it's best to wait until things quiet down balance wise before locking into art assets, so during the alpha as things get added and rough balance passes are made and early beta is when I think we'll see lots of art assets get slotted in, but once art is 'done' and the focus is on balance and bug fixing the artists won't have much to do, so this is where I expect the1K Commanders to get worked on. Mike
If you think about it, art team is probably conceptualizing the planet stuff, standardized units, buildings and animations. That will probably last until late alpha as to get everybody playing the game. After that, I'm going to assume they will be shifted to work on the custom commanders. Just a wild guess is all.
Yes, we want to make sure that we understand the commanders well enough in gameplay to give you guys the options to make them cool.
I guess it also makes more sense to create a custom commander after the players have played the alpha so they have a feeling about the game and make the best choices for their custom commander.
Thank you everyone for your insight. Well at least I have a little better idea of what to expect. Hadn't seen any news related to it so I figured I'd ask.